Human Intestine Can Lazy

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  • Human Intestine Can Lazy
    Not only a human being can feel lazy to do something, the human gut can be lazy. Lazy bowel which is finally making people become difficult bowel movements (BAB).

    "Hard CHAPTER could be caused by his own intestines are lazy or slow transit constipation called," said Dr. Ari Fahrial Sham, SpPD-KGEH of the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine Faculty of medicine-RSCM, in the event the Media Education at the Grand Hotel Sahid Jaya, Jakarta, like it was written on Thursday (26/05/2011).

    According to Dr. Ari, constipation or difficulty in the pathophysiology CHAPTER divided into primary and secondary constipation. Primary constipation is constipation that the examination did not reveal any organic and biochemical abnormalities, while the secondary constipation is constipation that is caused by an organic disease or other conditions.

    Primary constipation can be classified into 3 groups, namely:

        Constipation with normal transit time (functional constipation)
        With slow transit time constipation (slow transit constipation)
        Constipation due to anorectal dysfunction (pelvic floor).

    "Functional Constipation speed (transit time) is still common, there is a sense of heartburn (sensation like BAB) but can not removed because hard feces," said Dr. Ari, who also serves as Chairman of the Advocacy PB PAPDI (Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine Physician).

    Transit time is the time it takes food to pass through the digestive tract from mouth to intestine. Normal transit time varies from 15 to 20 hours, with large bowel transit time in the 12 to 72 hours.

    According to Dr. Ari, functional constipation is constipation the most commonly found in patients. Symptoms include bloating, discomfort in the stomach.

    "While the slow-transit constipation was due to his own intestines are lazy, so there's no sense of heartburn (sensation like BAB). Usually more common in young women. If pelvic floor dysfunction usually occurs in women who often give birth, pelvic floor muscles become weak," says Dr. Ari.

    Dr. Ari explains the symptoms of bowel lazy or slow-transit constipation include bloating, abdominal discomfort and no sensation of defecation desire.

    What causes the intestine to be lazy?

    "Naturally we are a normal bowel function, so slow transit does not occur from birth. There is a micro environment that caused it," said Dr. Djagat Herry Purnomo, SpPD-KGEH, the staff of Sub-Section Gastro-hepatology, Section Medicine Dr FK Kariadi UNDIP, Semarang.

    According to Dr. Herrera, factors habits and live style that causes bowel movements become slow or the term 'lazy bowel'.

    "The habit that should be enough exercise so rare sport. That was enough fiber so rarely eat healthy. These factors ultimately change the ecosystem of micro flora in the gut," said the doctor who is also Chairman of the Working Group on Probiotics in Indonesian Society of Gastroenterology (WG-Probiotics PGI).

    But Dr. Herrera said that constipation is caused by the slowing of bowel movements can be back to normal the patient can go back on a healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise, adequate intake of fiber, drink water and take probiotics.

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