Let Fat Arm Not sagged

Let Fat Arm Not sagged
Excess fat in the arm is often a problem especially for women who make the arm look sagged. Despite losing weight, fat in the arm sometimes never shrunk. How can I make the arm do not sagged?

To eliminate the fat that sagged in the arm, which needs to be done is to build muscle. By developing the muscles, the body will burn more calories, even while you're sleeping.

Some ways to remove fat that sagged in the arm, as reported by Hubpages, Wednesday (02/09/2011):

1. Exercise and weight lifting barbell
There are some weight training can do to burn fat in the arm, such as barbells and weight lifting. There are three main areas on the arm that can isolate and strengthen muscles, the biceps, triceps and shoulders. By doing this exercise, the body will be difficult to store fat in the arm because the muscles are always working.

2. Push ups
Push ups are an effective way to burn fat arm. If you want to do exercises that will work on biceps, triceps and forearms at the same time, you have to do some push ups. Doing this exercise will help burn calories and also help you strengthen your back and lose weight.

3. Aerobic
Fat in the arm can also be burned with cardio exercise such as aerobics. You can do by watching videos or join an aerobics class. Dancing, running and other cardio exercise can burn fat in the arm.

Do it regularly will not only help eliminate the fat in the arm, but also will help you lower your overall body fat.

4. Eat healthy foods
You can remove fat in the arm by starting to change unhealthy eating patterns. Fruits and vegetables are healthier than processed foods like candy or chips.

Baked goods is higher in protein, vitamins and minerals than the fried foods and fats will help lower the arm. You must consider how much sugar and fat that you eat.

How Brain Bright and Shining

How Brain Bright and Shining
The brain is one of the important parts of your body because it contains a variety of the central governing body. But there are easy ways you can do to help nourish the brain so that it remains bright and brilliant.

To create a healthy brain needs food intake can increase the brain and do some exercises or activities that can maintain cognitive function of the brain.

Here are some easy ways you can do to nourish the organs of the brain, as quoted from the LIVESTRONG, Tuesday (02/22/2011), namely:

Providing good food for the brain
More than half of the brain consists of fat, so fat is needed by the brain to maintain the sharpness of thinking and functioning properly.

Fat is needed, such as omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain function and cognitive development, as well as the use of good fats such as olive or canola oil.

Besides fat, green vegetables can also help protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease and dementia (senility). Based on a 2009 study published in the journal Archives of Neurology showing that spinach and other green vegetables that contain folic could ward off dementia and other cognitive impairment conditions.

Food and other beverages that can improve brain performance are blueberries, blackberries, purple grape juice, apples, cinnamon and vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower.

Flex brain
Dr Gayatri Devi as the neurologist suggested msyarakat to perform a variety of activities that can stimulate other parts of the brain that lead to better cognitive health and comprehensive.

Activities that can be done is to do sudoku, then switched to math problems, listening to classical music, dance, play tennis or socializing with people. Various activities will keep the brain well and train the brain to not just one part active.

Doing sports
Dr. Devi said one way to create a healthy brain is through exercise or sports, because exercise can make the body work properly and better cognitive function.

By getting a good physical activity will increase the intake of oxygen in the brain, brain cells maintain and enhance the growth of new nerve cells. Do aerobic exercise regimen 3-5 times a week.

Beware 4 Cause Migraine

Beware 4 Cause Migraine
migraine is very diverse, ranging from food to environment. Effect of various causes were different in each individual, so not all of them should be avoided. At least, there are some things to watch out.

"Even on the same individual, do not always have the same causes and consistent. One time chocolate triggers migraines, at other times not," said Larry Newman, MD, director of the Headache Institute at St.. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center.

For those who experience frequent migraine, Newman recommend creating a headache diary. From these records, we know what can cause migraines in a person.

Here is an array of things that often trigger a migraine, quoted by Health.com, on Friday (06/18/2010).

1. Food and beverages
According to the National Headache Foundation, foods and beverages that can trigger migraines in them are as follows:

   1. Mature cheeses (like cheddar, emmentaler, Stilton, brie and camembret)
   2. Chocolate
   3. Food is marinated, pickled or fermented
   4. Sour cream
   5. Nuts and peanut butter
   6. Sourdough bread
   7. Raisins, papaya, red plums
   8. Scented citrus fruits
   9. Excessive caffeine
  10. Alcohol

2. Menstruation
For most women, the menstrual cycle is a major cause of headaches, including migraines. Usually the attacks occur during menstruation, or a few days earlier. Drop in estrogen levels during the dark days are believed to be the main trigger. Therefore, the same was experienced by women before menopause.

3. Environmental
For some people, the stinging smell of perfume can trigger a migraine when in public places such as shopping centers. Others may experience migraines because of seeing flashing lights, or highlight the sunlight from the trees while driving.

4. Stress
The most common cause of migraine however is stress, and conversely people with migraine can be very emotionally responsive. Anxious, worried, sad, shocked and uncertain mood can trigger the release of certain hormones that cause migraines.

Conversely, a sense of relief after removing fatigue that already protracted can also trigger migraines. Disorders that are commonly called weekend headaches experienced by the employees after a busy working during the week. 

5 Types of Headaches

5 Types of Headaches
Treating headache should not be arbitrary, because the types and causes vary. Because if not careful, the wrong choice of drugs can actually trigger another type of headache.

Type of headache is the lightest it can be cured with ordinary headache medicine. But there are also to be followed by antibiotics, or even a supplement to maintain nerve function.

In order not wrong in choosing a medication, recognize the 5 types of headaches, as quoted by Health.com, on Friday (06/18/2010), below.

1. Tension headache
It is a type of headache is the most common form of pain or soreness that is felt constantly around the temples or the back of the neck and head. Not as severe as migraine, tension headaches are not accompanied by nausea and vomiting and not too distracting activity. The drugs are sold freely powerful enough to handle, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen.

Experts suspect, the cause of this type of headache is the contraction of neck and scalp that usually accompany the condition of stress. Can also be triggered by changes in chemical composition in the brain.

2. Cluster headache
This type of headache this one attack more men than women. It usually occurs in mendadap in one group, with symptoms of severe pain on one side of the head. Sometimes accompanied by watery eyes, nasal congestion and runny nose on the same side of the head. A person who experienced it will feel anxious, uncomfortable, such as in patients with migraine.

The exact cause is unknown, but suspected a genetic component interference. There is no drug that can effectively cure, but medications can reduce pain symptoms.

3. Sinus headache
Sinus was inflamed because of infection can cause pain in the head. Usually accompanied by fever, and should be checked degan MRI or CT scan to determine changes in fluid composition, or with fiber optic to see any pus.

In addition to pain relief, antibiotics are also needed by penerita this type of headache. if necessary, your doctor may prescribe allergy or lozenges.

4. Rebound hadache
Do not indiscriminate use pain medication because of excessive use is one cause of this type of headache on this one. Rebound headache is a headache that continues beulang, and sometimes even more severe each time treated.

One theory says, too many drugs cause the brain's response and instead jumped aggravate headaches. Another theory mengatahan, rebound headache is withdrawal symptoms as feedback effects after drug levels in the blood thinning.

5. Migraine headache
Type headaches are also commonly found is a neurological disorder (nerve) and is defined by the following criteria:

   1. Previously, he experienced headaches no less than 5 times
   2. Lasted for 4 to 72 hours
   3. Having 2 of the 4 following complaints: headaches, head throbbing, moderate to severe pain, can not perform routine activities
   4. Accompanied by one of the following symptoms: nausea and / or vomiting; be sensitive to sound and light.

Some claimed the-counter medicines can cope with migraines and maintain nerve function. However, to ensure there are no serious problems with the nervous system, should consult with your doctor to get the right diagnosis
How to Cope with Migraine Without Medication
There are many drugs with or without a prescription that can help alleviate some symptoms of migraine, but there is no medicine that can cure migraines. But there are ways to overcome migraine without taking medication. Anything?

Although there is no drug that can really cure a migraine, but by making small changes in diet and lifestyle you can reduce the frequency and severity of migraine.

Dailymail Launched on Monday (10/25/2010), here are some things you can do to cope with migraine without taking medicine:

1. Avoiding triggers
Migraine triggers include smoking (nicotine can narrow the blood vessels in the brain), too much heavy exercise, stress, changes in sleep patterns, headaches and neck, dental problems, certain foods, odors that sting, light and menstuasi.

2. Note the blood sugar levels
Decrease in blood sugar levels can trigger a migraine because it leads to glucose is released into the bloodstream, causing blood pressure to rise. Eat regularly every 4 hours and not more than 12 hours overnight without food.

Choose low glycemic index foods such as fruits and vegetables, low-fat yogurt and cheese. Avoid high GI foods like white bread, pastries, sweet drinks and candy.

3. Check your caffeine intake
Too much caffeine can cause blood vessels around the brain becomes too restricted, which can trigger a migraine. More than 300 mg of caffeine a day (3 cups or 5 cups of ground coffee instant) can cause problems. Try to reduce or switch to decaffeinated beverages. Chocolate also contains caffeine.

4. Flavoring or food additives (BTP)
Many people report sensitivity to food additives like monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame (artificial sweetener), tartrazine (a yellow dye used to color sodas and marzipan), Sulphites (found in grapes) and sodium benzoate (found in shrimp, butter, drinks lightweight and candy).

5. Chewable ginger
Chewing ginger may relieve nausea and digestive problems that tend to accompany the symptoms of migraine. Ginger can also block the effects of prostaglandins, substances that can cause inflammation of blood vessels in the brain and trigger a migraine.

6. Increase serotonin levels
Studies have shown low levels of serotonin in patients with migraine. Eat protein-rich foods such as chicken, turkey, eggs, dairy products, bananas, dates, wheat, rice, nuts and seeds to boost serotonin levels.

7. Drinking water
Dehydration also can trigger migraines. Tissues around the brain consists of water, so that when they lose fluid network will shrink, causing irritation and pain. Drink between 1 and 2 liters of water a day can reduce the severity, duration and frequency of migraine attacks.

8. Vitamin
5HTP is used to make serotonin, which could help to reduce the vulnerability of the body of the migraine attack. Butterbur and Coenzyme Q10 are also believed to help prevent migraine.

9. Eating foods rich in magnesium
Magnesium deficiency can cause reduced blood flow to the brain and also reduced blood sugar, both of which affect the migraine attack. Foods such as green vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, potatoes, oats, peas and extra yeast contains magnesium.

10. Yoga
Yoga can make you calm, reduce stress and ease aches and pains. Yoga also can relieve stiffness in the neck and shoulders, thus preventing the recurrence of migraine symptoms.

10 Ways to Fight Migraine

10 Ways to Fight Migraine
Headaches or migraines are not lethal, but if not addressed will greatly interfere with productivity. Various types of therapy can be done, ranging from medicine to physical activities such as sport and sex.

Here are 10 alternatives to overcome migraine, as quoted by The Sun on Thursday (03/03/2011).

1. Botox Injection
July last year, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of Botox injections to deal with migraines. Some scientific evidence to prove, more frequent injections are intended to address the wrinkles on the face is enough to effectively cope with migraines.

2. Gene therapy
According to a study at Oxford University, genetic factors cause 20 percent of migraine sufferers can not be cured only with medications. Migraine triggers gene is named Tresk and is derived from parents that can only be eliminated through terpai genes.

3. Aspirin
Injections of liquid aspirin seems to be a new breakthrough to overcome migraine. Researchers from the University of California has proven that injecting aspirin directly into the blood vessels can cope with migraine with cheaper and more effective.

4. Relaxation
Because stress is one of the main triggers of migraine, then the easiest way is to rest pengatasan mind of business. Going on vacation is one alternative to overcome the most enjoyable migraine.

5. Magnetic Stimulation
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is a new finding in the form of an electronic device migraine reliever. When affixed to the head, this tool will generate a magnetic field that reduces sensitivity to pain in the head.

6. Turn off the phone
There are 2 reasons why the mobile phone (cell phone) can trigger a migraine, one of which makes people easy stress of clients or superiors at work can contact at any time to discuss the work through the tool. The second reason is the electromagnetic radiation that can trigger migraines.

7. Sports
For some people, exercise actually trigger a migraine. But for most people, moderate exercise that is not too tiring powerful enough to relieve stress, blood circulation and improve the immune system. Overall it can relieve the symptoms of migraine.

8. Limit caffeine
Excess caffeine is one of the trigger migraines, so it is not advisable to drink more than 5 cups of coffee, tea or soft drinks in a day. But for those who are addicted to caffeine, quit drinking coffee altogether can also trigger migraines. Because that's what needs to be considered is the portion, should not be excessive.

9. Sex Therapy
Especially in women, have sex regularly can reduce the risk of migraine. The hormone that gives a sense of pleasure when making love, endorphins are natural pain relievers that are produced in large numbers each time reaching orgasm.

10. Consumption of iron supplements sat
Anemia or less blood can trigger migraines though not including one of the main factors. If the symptoms accompanying migraine attacks completely exhausted, it never hurts to reproduce menganding supplements or foods such as liver iron chicken and green vegetables.

4 Ways to Overcome Migraines

4 Ways to Overcome Migraines
Migraines are headaches that although not life threatening, but disease
This relatively severe because it was so excruciating. When a migraine coming, there are 4 ways you can do.

Dr. Carolyn Bernstein, neurologists from Cambridge Health Alliance-Cambridge Campus, as reported from Dailymail, Friday (5/14/2010) said this during a migraine man for allegedly afraid of coffee can trigger headaches. But really, enough with 1 to 2 cups of coffee can actually relieve a migraine.

The four ways to deal with migraine are:

1. A cup or two cups of coffee can help relieve migraine

Caffeine is a drug cheapest, easiest and most widely available to cope with migraines. Narrowing the blood vessels can reduce the pain. If you're having a migraine, drink one or two cups of black coffee or caffeinated soft drinks, for most people to reduce the symptoms of migraine.

Caffeine also helps absorb other drugs, which become the cause of migraine. And caffeine is a stimulant of the brain that can help people think better if it is in a 'fog' migraine.

2. Massage

Muscle cramps can be a migraine trigger for many people. You may experience muscle spasms in the neck, back or shoulder, especially if too long sitting in front of a computer or driving.

Teeth, the muscles of the face or scalp sometimes gripping, especially at night, so you wake up with a migraine. Massage can help if the migraine is accompanied by muscle spasms, as this will make you relax.

Although data are not large enough, a major university study found that massage twice a week for five weeks can reduce 50 percent of migraine.

3. Yoga

A recent study in India found that people who suffer from migraine and do yoga with a combination of meditation and other relaxation techniques, can reduce migraine with reduced pain. Anxiety and depression would be reduced.

4. Magnesium

Magnesium may be a magic mineral for migraine sufferers. Although not help everyone, taking magnesium supplements every day can help prevent migraines.

Research has shown that magnesium supplements may help relieve migraines, including reduced due to menstrual migraine.

How can magnesium help? Magnesium is a mineral essential for several functions in the body, including heart, bone and muscle. Magnesium regulate blood vessels in operation, reduce pain and calm the nervous system, which may help relieve migraines.

It also can help reduce stress by working on the sympathetic nervous system and can regulate blood sugar levels, which are two trigger migraines.

And more importantly, magnesium affect serotonin production and regulation. Serotonin is a chemical substance produced by the body and needed nerve cells and brain to function.

Many people are magnesium deficiency because of sugar and foods high in fat, which prevents peneyrapannya into the body. People who suffer migraine usually have magnesium levels below normal.

Dr. Bernstein recommends taking 400 mg of magnesium per day for a trial period of two months. But you should consult your doctor if you have any problems with the kidneys.

Ripe Tomatoes Could Fight Disease

Ripe Tomatoes Could Fight Disease
Red tomatoes and fresh herbs can not only be used as a complement cuisine but also can be used as drugs to combat various diseases. In fact, cooked tomatoes more beneficial than raw tomatoes.

Scientists from the National Centre of Food and Safety in Illinois revealed that eating tomatoes can help reduce the risk of cancer, osteoporosis and diseases

Not only fresh raw tomatoes, cooked tomatoes or a mixture of food turned out to give more benefits.

According to scientists, fresh red vegetables are the source of foods containing lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) majority. And unlike other fruit or vegetable, the content of antioxidants in tomatoes are potentially more after cooking.

The scientists explain that nutrition has a protective mechanism that may help prevent inflammation and blood clotting.

"Utilizing the tomatoes and tomato products may be one simple and effective strategies to help people increase their intake of vegetables, which causes an increase in diet as a whole and ultimately better health," explained Dr. Britt Burton-Freeman and and Dr. Kristin Reimers, who conduct research, as reported by Dailymail, Saturday (03/05/2011).

According to Dr Reimers, this study underlines the link between eating tomatoes and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and other health disorders.

"The evidence also shows that consumption of tomatoes should be recommended because of the nutritional benefits and because it is simple and effective strategies to increase vegetable intake as a whole," added Dr Reimers.

More and More Stupid Fat

More and More Stupid Fat
Overweight and obesity alias can not only dangerous to health because it can be a risk factor for heart disease, stroke and diabetes, but also can make your thinking ability decreases. The more fat, brain volume decreases.

Research recently conducted American scientists conclude that the brains of people who are overweight (obesity) will begin to deteriorate when it reaches the age of 40 years.

In that study, scientists involved participants who varied with age range 40 to 60 years. Participants were divided into three groups based on body weight, normal, overweight (overweight) and obesity (overweight).

The three groups of participants were asked to solve complex problems and his brain activity measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Results from the settlement of the problem indicates there is little difference in the participants of the three groups, but the image of MRI showed a decreasing function of the parietal lobe of the brain a significant part in the obese group.

Scientists say the gray matter (gray areas) in obese people (obese) reacted differently to tasks that are regulated as compared with those with normal weight.

In addition, the level of brain atrophy is directly associated with Body Mass Index (BMI). The researchers also showed that people with excess body weight had been developed atrophy (shrinkage of cells) of brain tissue in several areas at once, ie frontal lobe, hippocampus, frontal callosal convolution and others.

When compared to people with normal weight, brain volume of people who are obese 8 percent smaller, as reported by GeniusBeauty, Saturday (05/03/2011).

The report in the journal Health from other scientific studies also indicate that obesity increases the risk of weakening the ability to think with age.

While a study in 2009 conducted by the University of Pittsburgh found that the brains of people who are overweight (overweight) will experience a depreciation of 4 percent, while those who are obese (above overweight) will experience brain shrinkage by 8 percent.

Sudha Seshadri, MD, a professor of neurology at Boston University School of Medicine, said the cause of this problem is the fat in the abdomen, also known as visceral fat (visceral fat). The results of this study have been published online in 2010 in the Annals of Neurology.

"The greater the amount of visceral fat a person has to make his brain getting smaller. A small brain volume is associated with reduced cognitive functioning person," said Sudha Seshadri, MD.

Next Headaches Can Lost by Sex

A healthy sex can not only refreshes the mind but also can be beneficial to health. One of them, sex can treat migraines or headaches.

The reason why sex can cure migraine is due at the time of orgasm, the body releases certain chemicals in the brain that work to reduce migraine.

According to a study in the journal Headache reports indicate that the neurotransmitter serotonin is released during sex, creates all the sensations that make people feel good.

"In addition, when an orgasm the body releases endorphins which work to relieve pain," explained Dr Alexander Mauskop of the New York Headache Center, as reported by everydayhealth, Saturday (05/03/2011).

Endorphins are chemicals such as opiates, which is associated with feelings, positive feelings and happy, and save the message of pain to the brain.

Unlike painkillers that could take up to 15 minutes to work, this body chemicals immediately worked on and off the migraine.

Migraine is a genetic and the people who are vulnerable to migraine are also more prone to develop the kinds of headaches. Although the most common migraine symptoms such as sensitivity to light, sound, some smell, nausea and a constant throbbing pain, but the cause of migraine is different for each person.

According to Dr. Mark W. Green, director of the Headache Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, there are thousands of genes and chemical combinations that govern the tendency for migraines.

But in some people with certain health conditions, sex can actually trigger headaches. This is because sex can increase blood pressure and causes dilation of blood vessels in the brain.

"Sex as well as the sport that is physical activity. When people are prone to headaches, so severe pressure on the back and neck during sex can trigger the recurrence of headaches," explained Dr Mauskop.

Meanwhile, according to Dr. Green, headaches during sex most often seen in people with migraine because it already has a genetic to develop headaches.

Stay for Blood Sugar Stable

The patients with diabetes mellitus elderly must accept the bitter truth. When he was already old and lived in all the limitations, they still have to set the pattern of life.

The problem, change habits or routines that have been done during the productive period, certainly not an easy task. But, for the sake of a better survival, the elderly with diabetes mellitus should be able to do so.

Here are a number of pillars that need to be people with diabetes mellitus and their relatives. First, diligently following the extension. Counseling is not just directed at patients only, but a companion to a family member.

Counseling may be provided by doctors, nurses, nutritionists, and social workers who interact with people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition to a healthy lifestyle, counseling materials also presents techniques to communicate with their elderly patients.

Of course, communicate with old-old patients should be full of patience. "The approach with elderly patients is not easy, especially for those diabetics who had no cognitive impairment," said Mulyadi Tedjapranata, Director of Clinical Medizone.

One of the cars effectively communicate with elderly people with diabetes mellitus are forming small groups. Interactions that occur within the group can raise their spirit to continue to lead a healthy life.

"At least, they do not feel alone and mentally down. In addition, they will also be encouraged by the success of other successful people go through life as people with diabetes mellitus," said Mulyadi.

Planning consuming food. Planning meals in diabetics aged lagjut not an easy task. "Do not forget, they will be more sensitive, especially if there are other complications, such as hypertension," explained Suhanto, Head of Medical Services Mediros hospital, in Jakarta.

Planning to eat it aims to achieve weight loss while keeping elderly patients at an ideal position based on metabolic indices, ie, 22 to 25 in male patients and 18 to 24 in female patients.

If there are complications with other diseases, intake of fiber should be noted. Generally, a good fiber intake between 23-25 grams per day. Can also interspersed with the provision of adequate vitamins and minerals. Therefore, patients should consult with a physician or nutritionist.

Providing, of fiber per day is divided into three portions, namely breakfast by 20%, 30% lunch, and dinner 25%. It's still a light meal can be added for a total of 10% to 15% of food portions. "Never more than that," said Mulyadi.

The composition of a balanced diet can not resist disease more severe diabetes mellitus. The composition of a balanced diet for elderly patients, ie 60% carbohydrate - 70%, protein 10% - 15%, and fat 20% to 25%.

Total calories naturally adapted to the needs of an elderly every day. Typically, 24 to 35 basal caloric needs (CLA) is an ideal range for them. "Plus the patient activity of 10% - 30% of basal calories," said Mulyadi.

physical exercise. For elderly patients with diabetes mellitus, do physical exercise need not be too heavy. Walk or small run for 30 minutes is the recommended sports activities.

Benefits of physical exercise can improve insulin sensitivity, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles and bones, reduce obesity, improve blood sugar levels, reducing the need for medication, and improve psychosocial problems.


The use of oral hypoglycemic drugs (Oho). Which includes Oho, for example, first-generation drug class sulphonilurla to three, as daonil and Amaryl, and functional biguanid, such as Glucophage.

Women Need 5 Minutes to Orgasm

Through a scanning method (scan) Specifically, the experts at Rutgers University in the United States managed to uncover a secret that occurs in the female brain during orgasm.

One important finding is the extraordinary sexual stimulation can make her nervous system such as 'disabled'. These stimuli provide a broad impact on the area of women's brains, so they feel the pleasure.

According to the researchers, the moment of orgasm affects nearly 30 different areas in the brains of women, including areas that affect emotion, feeling, pleasure, satisfaction and retention.

In his study, the researchers asked eight volunteers woman to perform sexual stimulation in itself. The volunteers lie behind the blanket while undergoing magnetic resonance imaging scan (MRI).

Most volunteers only takes less than five minutes to reach orgasm. Although some of the other takes 20 minutes. Meanwhile, MRI scanners continue to take brain images every two seconds. This is intended to find out where the active parts of the brain during orgasm.

Researchers found that two minutes before orgasm, the brain region that regulates 'reward' or award becomes active. This area is usually active when someone is eating or drinking.

Shortly before reaching the summit, other areas of the brain also affected such as sensors cortex, which receive messages 'touch' of other body parts. So it is with the thalamus, which convey signals to other body parts.

When he began to have an orgasm, other brain regions became active, such as brain areas that regulate emotions. Last area of the brain that are activated hypothalamus, which regulates temperature, hunger thirst and fatigue.

At the same time, other areas which are responsible for arranging pleasure also becomes active - the nucleus accumbens. So it is with the caudate nucleus, brain regions that govern memory, or memory.

"In women, orgasm cause a very large response to the brain and body," said Barry Komisaruk, a researcher from Rutgers University.

"Some women raised her hand several times in each session for a few seconds. So, the proof is that women tend to have an orgasm is longer and experience it several times in a short time in a row," Komisaruk said.

He added that the woman's orgasm can last on average between 10 to 15 seconds, while the male orgasm is only about six seconds.

Diabetes Make Age Short

This is a reminder how diabetes would be a threat and a serious burden on the future. A recent study showed that diabetes will not only trigger the risk of serious diseases, but also can cut the life expectancy of a person for several years.

Diabetes is known as a disease that can double the risk of vascular disease, heart disease, and stroke. However, recent studies show, people who develop type 2 diabetes in middle age will experience a greater risk of dying early from cancer, infections, and mental disorders. Life expectancy of people with diabetes in middle age can be reduced to six years.

This is the result of evaluation experts from the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration, in collaboration with Cambridge University. They analyzed data on approximately 820,900 respondents who were followed for a decade around the world. The study is published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

After taking into account other risk factors, such as age, sex, obesity, and smoking, research studies show that people with diabetes at greater risk of dying from various types of cancers, infections, liver disorders, digestive problems, kidney and lungs.

About 60 percent decline in life expectancy with diabetes was due to vascular disease, such as heart disease and stroke. Only a small portion of this association can be explained by problems of obesity, blood pressure, or high blood fats. However, these conditions often occur together with diabetes.

Research involving more than 250 scientists from 25 countries also indicated that people with diabetes at risk of death due to torture yourself. However, experts also emphasized that this study needs to be further reviewed, including the possible relationship between diabetes and depression.

"These findings emphasize the importance of efforts to prevent diabetes and understand it better. This study shows that diabetes is not only a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, but also associated with other diseases," said Emanuele In Angelantonio from Cambridge University.

Failed Sex Orgasm When


Doc, I am a newlywed. During sex, my wife has never felt the satisfaction, let alone have an orgasm. In fact, we've been having. Before getting married, we are often having limited swipe-swipe and we both get an orgasm.

I wanted to ask. whether it happened because we were often in contact with swipe-swipe? Or because of my lack of knowledge about the location of the g-spot my wife? Please explain Thanks


If you scrape by sex, the wife can reach orgasm, actually he did not experience any interference. But if by doing sexual relationship turns out he can not achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse means the wife is not enough sexual stimulation, physical or psychological.

There are some circumstances that inhibit the wife can not reach orgasm through sexual intercourse. First, sexual disfunction in your party, for example terlamapu rapid ejaculation or erectile quality is not optimal. Second, sexual positions are not effective for the wife so as not enough sexual stimulation. Third, the wife suffered psychological barriers related to sexual relations.

G spot is a sensitive part of female genital stimulation, in addition to the clitoris. By adjusting the position of sexual intercourse, then the G spot and clitoral stimulation will be sufficient to receive while performing a sexual relationship.

Dragon Fruit Strengthen Kidney Function

Sajen make this god is very beneficial for human health. Fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals are able to prevent a variety of degenerative diseases, reduce emotional stress, and neutralize toxins in the blood.

Dragon fruit has a very unique and attractive appearance. The size of a mango gedong lipstick, with light red color. Her skin was like a big snake scales (dragon), but not because the fruit is known as dragon fruit. It feels fresh and slightly sour sweet.

There is a link to the myth can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Lately fruit plants are also starting to bear fruit used as an ornamental plant grown in pots.

Rich Fiber

Fiber content on the dragon fruit is very good, reaching 0.7 to 0.9 grams per 100 grams. Fibre is needed by the body to lower cholesterol. In the digestive tract fibers will bind bile acids (end products of cholesterol) and then released with feces. Thus, the higher consumption of fiber, the more bile and fatty acids released by the body.

In addition to preventing cholesterol, fiber content on the dragon fruit is also very useful in the digestive system. Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) was able to shorten transit time, ie the time it takes food from the oral cavity until the rest of the food issued in the form of feces. Meanwhile, food fiber will bind carcinogenic substances. Thanks to the short transit time, time residing carcinogenic substances in the body also become shorter, so that the smaller the opportunity to harm the body (Goldberg, 1994).

Dietary fiber is very good for preventing diabetes mellitus, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, fiber consumption in Indonesia is still very low, about 10 grams per person per day. In fact, the recommended intake of food fiber is 20-30 grams per person per day.

Dragon fruit is renowned as one source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a provitamin A in the body is converted into vitamin A which is very useful in the process of vision, reproduction, and other metabolic processes.

It is estimated that every 6 micrograms of beta-carotene has a biological activity equivalent to 1 microgram of retinol. FAO-WHO group has calculated that only about half of the absorbed beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A. Approximately only 1 / 6 of the content of carotenoids in food ingredients that would eventually be utilized by the body.

Beta-carotene is also a type of antioxidant that may play an important role in reducing the radical concentration peroksil. Ability to work as an antioxidant beta-carotene derived from its ability to stabilize carbon-core radicals. Because beta-carotene is effective at low concentrations of oxygen, can complement the antioxidant properties of vitamin E are effective at high concentrations of oxygen.

Beta-carotene is also known as an element of cancer prevention, especially skin and lung cancer. Beta-carotene can reach more parts of the body in a relatively longer time compared with vitamin A, thereby providing optimal protection against the emergence of cancer.

Lower Cholesterol

According to Al Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system. Also very effective for reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxins in the blood.

Research Agency of Agriculture said that the dragon fruit can lower cholesterol levels, balancing blood sugar, kidney function and bone strengthening, and improving the working of the brain. Savor the dragon fruit is still unknown by the public. In addition to research that is still very limited, the fruit is still very rare. In fact, there are still many among us who are totally unfamiliar with this fruit.

Dragon fruit is a source of vitamins and minerals are pretty good. Levels of vitamin B1 on the dragon fruit reaches 0.3 mg per 100 grams of fruit flesh. Consumption of vitamin B1 per person per day is recommended by the National Widyakarya Food and Nutrition (2004) is 0.5 to 0.9 mg for children under 10 years old, and 0.9 to 1.0 mg for adults. Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding need an additional amount of 0.3 mg per day above the normal requirement.

In principle, thiamine (vitamin B1) acts as a coenzyme in reactions that produce energy from carbohydrates and transfer energy to form energy-rich compound called ATP. Thiamine deficiency causes polyneuritis (dried berries), which is caused by the disruption of nerve transmission or neural networks suffer from lack of energy. Symptoms of thiamine deficiency initially was tired, loss of appetite, weight loss, and indigestion.

Dragon fruit also contains potassium, iron, protein, calcium in sufficient quantities both to increase endurance. These substances are also good for mentralkan toxins in the blood, improve eyesight, and prevent hypertension.

Dragon fruit's water content is also quite high, reaching 83 grams per 100 g of fruit flesh. Therefore, the dragon fruit can also be used as a delicious dessert.

Nutritional composition per 100 grams of flesh dragon fruit (Components and levels)

Water (g) 82.5 to 83.0

Protein (g) 0.16 to 0.23

Fat (g) 0.21-0.61

Fiber / dietary fiber (g) 0.7 to 0.9

Beta-carotene (mg) 0.005 to 0.012

Calcium (mg) 6.3 to 8.8

Phosphorus (mg) 30.2 to 36.1

Iron (mg) 0.55 to 0.65

Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.28 to 0.30

Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.043 to 0.045

Vitamin C (mg) 8-9

Niacin (mg) 1.297 to 1.300

Made Astawan Prof. Food Technology and Nutrition Experts IPB

Durian Better than Watermelon and Papaya

Who says bad durian? In certain cases even better than the durian fruit watermelon and papaya. What is the advantage compared to durian and papaya watermelon?

Durian's most lots contain carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Not only that, other substances such as fiber, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, zinc and iron are also present in it.

But did you know that durian fruit actually has a lower glycemic index than watermelon and papaya.

In the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2008, there was a study called 'Glycimic Index of Common Malaysian Fruits' by Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kelantan, Malaysia. The experiment was conducted on 4 types of fruit is durian, papaya, watermelon and pineapple.

Of all the fruits studied, it turns out the durian has a glycemic index (Glycimic index or GI), the lowest is 49. GI highest owned pineapple namely 82, 58 and watermelon papaya 55, as reported by ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, Thursday (03/03/2011).

Glycemic index (GI) is the scale or number given to certain foods based on how big these foods increase blood sugar levels, the scale used is 0-100. Called low-glycemic index when they're on a scale of less than 50, medium glycemic index if its value is 50-70 and high glycemic index if the number is above 70.

Glycemic index applies to carbohydrates and is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates are converted into glucose. The lower the GI, the slower the digestive process and the greater feeling of satiety obtained.

So, with the low GI owned durian, the carbohydrates they contain at least digestible and provide a sense of satiety for longer. In a simple sense durian providing a longer sense of satiety because glucose is processed into longer, so do not directly cause the spike in blood sugar levels significantly.

But despite its low GI, including durian fruit that has a high calorie so as not suitable for people with certain conditions or diseases.

Just imagine that in 100 grams of durian contained 147 kcal. That means when a person eating 1 kg of durian, the number of calories she has received 1470 kcal or already comparable with meal portions for one day.

Because of the high calorie, durian fruit is hot so that patients with diabetes or pregnant women is not recommended to eat durian.

But if not eaten too much and not coupled with the high-cholesterol foods such as meat or alcohol, durian still can give positive effects to the body.

Quoted from Healthmad, here are some diseases
which can be overcome by eating durian fruit which is not too much.

   1. Overcoming constipation because many contain fiber
   2. Overcoming anemia because it contains folate or vitamin B9 is needed to produce red blood cells
   3. Maintaining healthy skin because it contains Vitamin C that act as antioxidants and antiaging
   4. Contains lots of potassium or calcium, so good for bones and joints keseahtan
   5. Origin does not eat too much, the content of manganese in the durian can keep blood sugar levels remain stable
   6. Contain copper compounds that can maintain the health of the thyroid gland
   7. Keeping appetite because many contain thiamine or Vitamin B1
   8. Overcoming migraine because it contains the compound riboflavin or vitamin B2

Relieves stress and overcoming depression because it contains Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine
Maintaining oral health because they contain posphor.

But if you eat durian obtained even unpleasant body, try to check again how many who've eaten durian and eat whatever duriannya sparking a friend not feeling well. 

Lowering Blood Pressure With 1 Siang Can Sleep Clock

Napping sometimes identified with slacker. Though there are benefits too lho. A short nap for 1 hour can help you lower your blood pressure and reduce work stress making you more refreshed.

When the daily routines of work and make your stress and depressed, it's good to rest and sleep for a moment to control blood pressure and away from hypertension and heart disease.

Studies conducted by researchers from Allegheny College in the U.S., found that 45-60 minutes of sleep during the day could help lower blood pressure after experiencing stress and pressure when on the move, rather than people who do not sleep.

By night's sleep now that an average of two hours shorter than 50 years ago, researchers claim nap provides a simple way to improve heart health.

Longer working hours and night shift to make people spend more time watching TV until late at night, which affects not sleep soundly. As a result, hours of sleep a night less than two hours from the time they should.

In fact, lack of sleep has been associated with numerous serious disease risk is higher, such as hypertension and cardiovascular problems (blood vessels).

"Our findings show that napping can provide cardiovascular benefits by accelerating cardiovascular recovery from stress mentally," said Ryan Brindle and Sarah Conklin, Ph.D., from Allegheny College, as reported by the Telegraph, on Thursday (03/03/2011).

In this study, researchers studied 85 healthy students were divided into two groups, which take a nap for 60 minutes and that does not take a nap.

The findings, published in Springer's International Journal of Behavioural Medicine shows that students who take a nap for between 45-60 minutes to have lower blood pressure levels significantly during the recovery phase of post-activity (nap) than students who do not sleep.

"These experiments prove that napping gives healing and protective benefits," said Sarah Conklin, PhD.

Further research is needed to explore the mechanisms linking sleep during the day with heart health, and to evaluate a nap as the practice of healing and protective, especially for people with risk of cardiovascular disease and those with optimal sleep quality.

Diet Failure Causes

Not to all people successfully lose weight after a diet. Many events, weight back on after stopping a diet (diet yo-yo). Apparently this is the case.

The experts found that people who experienced yo-yo dieting is caused by karakterteristik of protein levels in the blood.

Researchers found women who berahsil maintain weight well tend to have a large enzyme levels. This shows the level of this enzyme affects a person in maintaining his weight.

The possibility of proteins contained in these enzymes may affect the functioning of hormones that control how the body perceives a full stomach and makes the body store extra fat and water.

Levels of enzymes that were not found in women who experienced yo-yo dieting.

"Yo-yo diet can disrupt a person's psychological because he will feel like a failure in reducing weight and can reduce her confidence," says Dr Susan Jebb of the Medical Research Council's nutrition center in Cambridge.

Dr Jebb recalled the importance of studying the causes of a person failed in dieting. With such a strategy could be determined what needs to be done for people to keep their weight in the long term.

This discovery will provide clues for a person to perform simple blood tests before a diet. This is to give assistance in maintaining a slim body.

The study was conducted by researchers from 8 countries in Europe who analyzed blood from 96 participants who successfully lose weight. About half of the participants managed to maintain their weight, while the other half actually gain weight after stopping the diet.

Researchers conducted blood tests on 34 proteins that show levels of a substance called angiotensin-converting enzyme. This substance is strongly associated with women who have yo-yo dieting or weight women with unstable.

Adding Weight

Generally, everyone wants a lean body, but if the body is too thin can also cause some health impacts. But there are several ways you can do to raise a healthy weight.

Just so you know, the body that are too thin tend to have a weak immune system so vulnerable to infection, surgical complications and disease recovery time is longer.

However, this condition can be avoided by raising the weight in a healthy manner so that it has an optimal body, one by using the indicator body mass index (body mass index / BMI).

Someone who has a BMI value of less than 18 means having a below normal body weight, BMI 18.5 to 24.9 means having a normal weight, BMI 25 to 29.9 is overweight and a BMI over 30 is obese.

There are various factors that could cause someone was thin, namely:

   1. It has a rapid metabolic rate
   2. The influence of genetic factors
   3. Personality and environment
   4. As well as some specific conditions that could affect metabolism or function of the level of employment of certain hormones.

For people who have a thin body or a BMI below normal, there are some healthy ways that can be done to raise the weight, namely:
  1. Eating foods that contain calories, vitamins and minerals high.
  2. Eating foods with the right balance, the recommended ratio is 60-70 percent carbohydrates, 10-15 percent protein and a small amount of fat.
  3. Limiting consumption of water or liquids a half hour before and after eating, because if a lot of drinking before a meal will make a full stomach so poor appetite. 
  4. Consuming juices such as apple, peach, orange or banana to increase your calorie intake
  5. Consuming multiple sources of good fats derived from foods such as nuts, avocados, olive oil and fatty fish (salmon and mackerel)
  6. Take some snacks between meals such as yogurt or dried fruit
  7. Consume milk regularly, because not only calories but also contain other important nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals, and contains healthy bacteria that can help the digestive system.
  8. Exercise regularly as it will make the body stay fit and energetic. This condition can be helped to develop the muscles become more slender body shape, and increased appetite.
  9. Always think positive, because the mind can affect diet and digestive processes that occur. 
  10. Getting time off and sleep well 7-8 hours on a regular basis. 

Decrease the Grease Shoulder

People who experience weight gain is usually not just the abdomen or thighs are huge. Shoulders too big, and for women who are obese shoulders make it look less attractive.

Fat that accumulates on the shoulder of course, can make the appearance less attractive, especially for women who like to wear clothes that expose the shoulder area. How do I remove the fat that is on the shoulder?

To tighten the upper body, can be done by burning excess body fat with cardiovascular exercise and build muscle with weight training.

Here are some ways to lose fat on the shoulder to make it look fast, as reported by the Prevention, Wednesday (02/03/2011), namely:

1. Swim

Swimming is a sport that menggabungan cardiovascular exercise with strength training, especially for the upper body such as shoulders. People with body weight 63.5 kg who swim 25 meters per minute for 30 minutes can burn 200 calories.

2. Exercise and weight lifting barbell
There are some weight training can do to burn fat at the upper body such as shoulders and arms, among others, barbells and weight lifting. There are three main areas on the arm that can isolate and strengthen muscles, the biceps, triceps and shoulders. By doing this exercise, the body will be difficult to store fat in the shoulders and arms because the muscles are always working.

3. Push ups

Push ups are an effective way to burn fat in the shoulder. If you want to do exercises that will work on biceps, triceps, arm and shoulder at the same time, you have to do some push ups. Doing this exercise will help burn calories and also help you strengthen your back and lose weight.

4. Exercises using a chair

Toning muscle and losing fat at the shoulder can also be done with the exercise chair. You do this by putting your palms on the edge of a sturdy chair and stack your weight on the hands. Bend the legs to form an angle of about 90 degrees.

Then slowly lower the buttocks to the floor by bending your arms and push back up until your arms straight back, but do not use aid to boost the body's feet and pile weight on the hands. Do one set of 8 to 15 repetitions.

5. Tighten triceps
Raise your left arm straight up, then place your right hand on left elbow. Pull and slowly bend your elbow toward the right shoulder which is then stretched. Hold for 20 seconds, then repeat with your right arm.