Tips to Prevent Colon Cancer (Colon)

Tips to Prevent Colon Cancer (Colon)
Colon cancer is one type of cancer can be prevented. Here are some behavioral changes that can prevent you from colon cancer:

1. Expand to eat vegetables

Almost all knew that if we indeed have a lot to eat vegetables. A study says, with plenty to eat vegetables would prevent colon cancer nearly in half. From now on, hidangkanlah always vegetables on your dinner table.

2. Avoid foods that contain saturated fat and nitrates

Included inside canned food, hot dogs and so forth. Saturated fats are associated with inflammation, while nitrates are carcinogenic or cause cancer.

3. Eat chicken

According to one study, eating chicken without the fat in a few weeks to reduce the risk of benign colon cancer as much as 21% and malignant colon cancer were 39%. According to the study of minerals apparently was the role of selenium. For the vegetarian, brown rice is a good source of selenium.

4. Eat a lot of magnesium

The study mentions, magnesium can prevent colon cancer as much as 41%. Some sources of magnesium include seeds, sunflower seeds, dark green vegetables, and others.

5. Eat lots of fiber

Beans and rice grains are a good source of fiber. Fiber helps the intestines to keep moving so that the toxin or toxins that were there quickly wasted.

6. Add turmeric in cooking

Turmeric according to a study to reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%. Turmeric is also capable of killing germs H. pylori that causes ulcers and colon cancer.

Why Can Hyperglycemia Diabetes Patients?

Why Can Hyperglycemia Diabetes Patients?
It is very important for diabetics to maintain their blood sugar levels remained in stable condition. That is, they should not forget to take the drug in accordance with physician orders and follow a healthy lifestyle.

When blood sugar levels rise very high, the condition is called in medical terms with hyperglycemia. Here are some conditions that can cause high sugar levels increase in patients with diabetes:

     If you suffer from diabetes type 1, it means that insulin levels are decreased in the blood.
     If you have Type 2 diabetes, insulin produced by the body are not processed effectively.
     Too much eating or lack of exercise.
     Suffering from disease or infection.
     Being emotional or stress.

7 Ways to Fight Heart Disease Vitamin C

7 Ways to Fight Heart Disease Vitamin C
The latest research says men who consumed at least 300 milligrams of vitamin C from food and supplements, the risk of dying from heart disease can be lowered to 40%.

Here are 7 ways how vitamin C could fight heart disease:
  •     Vitamin C can reduce levels of lipoproteins in the blood. High level of lipoprotein is a risk factor for stroke.
  •      Vitamin C could prevent high blood pressure.
  •      Vitamin C helps prevent the hardening of blood vessel walls.
  •      Vitamin C lowers bad cholesterol.
  •      As an antioxidant, vitamin C reduces the levels of free radicals that damage the heart and blood vessels.
  •      Vitamin C helps repair damage to arterial walls that prevent the accumulation of cholesterol there.
  •      Vitamin C to increase levels of good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol.
Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, especially tomatoes, oranges, Berri fruit and red peppers.

Constipation Causes

Constipation Causes
Constipation or constipation medical language is a condition characterized by decreased bowel movements so that bowel movements become difficult or BAB and sick.

Here are some factors that can cause a person to have constipation:

  •      CHAPTER pattern changes, for example, was traveling, sports or on a diet.
  •      Not immediately into a small room so there is a desire for bowel movements.
  •      Medium stress.
  •      Eating foods that do not contain much fiber or not drinking enough.
  •      Are taking certain drugs such as diuretics, antacids, pain relievers and anti-depressant.
  •      Are taking certain supplements such as calcium or iron.


Chikungunya is a disease modification of dengue fever. The disease is often found on the continent of Africa, India and Southeast Asia.

Chikungunya is caused by a virus group arbovirus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes assistance. Typical symptoms of this disease is the occurrence of severe arthritis or arthritis.

Chikungunya fever epidemic first became about the year 1952 - 1953 in East Africa. Chikungunya virus, including type-borne arthropods (arbovirus) that are classified into the family Togaviridae, genus alphaviruses.

Humans infected with chikungunya virus of aedes aegypti mosquito assistance. Transmission should be via an intermediary mosquito can not between humans. Epidemics of this disease similar to dengue fever and yellow fever.

Chikungunya fever symptoms appear suddenly, which is characterized by fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pains and rashes on the skin. Unlike dengue fever, chikungunya fever in lighter coupled with severe joint pain. Chikungunya fever is rarely fatal or deadly.

Treatment of this disease is only supportive treatment is given or on the basis of presenting symptoms.

Tips Waist Pain Prevention

Tips Waist Pain Prevention
To date, how to prevent low back pain remains controversial. In the past it is known that exercise and lifestyle changes is the best way to prevent low back pain. In fact, some studies found that the wrong way sports such as high-impact actually exacerbate low back pain. Instead of sports is very important for general health and should not be avoided. Low-impact sports such as swimming, walking, bicycling can improve health in general, without adding back pain.

Certain sports: Talk to your doctor if you wish to do certain sports without burdening the waist. Certain sports such as sporting achievement.

Stretch: While not to treat low back pain, stretching is very important to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine the spine.

Waist belt: Workers whose jobs lifting heavy loads need to use a waist belt. However, this does not warrant the use of belt waist injury will not occur.

Standing: When standing, keep the head and stomach pulled upheld. If required to stand for long periods, take a small beam to prop up one leg. Do not use shoes with high heels.

Sit: Chairs the occupied must be able to sustain the waist up to the neck bone well, including the seat of the vehicle. If not available, use a small pillow to support the waist while sitting.

Sleep: Very terggantung of each individual's taste. If the mattress is too soft, many people will experience back pain, and so if too loud. Here, trial and error is required first. Put a board between the bed and mattress to help harden the mattress is too soft while the mattress is too hard to add a thin mattress on top.

Lifting: Do not lift an object or objects that are too heavy. If forced to, make sure when you take things under then lifted, spine is still in an upright position. Put the object into your body, tighten your abdominal muscles to balance the spine.

Find out about Masturbation or masturbation

Find out about Masturbation or masturbation
Masturbation is an activity of stimulation of the genitals to get sexual satisfaction or orgasm. Masturbation is usually done by touching, menggesekan or massaging the penis or clitoris to orgasm. Some women use the tool as a means of masturbation, such as vibrators.

Anyone who likes to masturbate?

Almost everyone has masturbated. Masturbation is a normal activity in those who have been married. According to one study, 95% of men and 89% of women had masturbated during her life. Masturbation is the first experience for everyone in terms of sexual activity. In childhood childhood, masturbation is part of the normal developmental process of the child to explore her body.

Why do people masturbate?

Besides fun, masturbation is the best way to release sexual ketengangan that appear every time, especially for those who are still single or spouse is unable to perform sexual activities. Masturbation is a safe sexual activity for those who do not wish to become pregnant or a sexually transmitted disease. For men who want to perform fertility examinations, masturbation is a way to remove the sperm cells.

Is masturbation normal?

Originally there was no other underlying mental disorders, activities, masturbation is something normal.

Masturbation becomes abnormal when the activities that disturb the harmony of the marital relationship or performed in public.

Is masturbation harmful?

In general, a compact medical community considers masturbation is a natural sexual expression that is not dangerous for men and women. It's just that there are religious views in society which forbids masturbation so as to provide a feeling guilty for the perpetrators.

Some experts think masturbation can be a means to improve sexual health and marital relationship. By exploring your body through masturbation can find out the sensitive areas that allow you to have sex when the real thing.

Advantages Compared Donkey Milk Soy Milk

Advantages Compared Donkey Milk Soy Milk
Animals are often considered animal dumb ass, while the soybean crop is always staying digadang as one of the best nutritional sources. But in some ways, the milk produced by these dumb animals can surpass milk made from soybeans.

Milk produced by a female donkey was once popular in the past, even been known since ancient Egyptian civilization. It is said that Queen Cleopatra is famous for beautiful always maintain their health by drinking donkey milk and use it for bathing.

No wonder if Cleopatra remained slim until the end of his life, because research has shown that soy milk does not cause fat. Unlike cow's milk that often trigger obesity, calorie content in donkey milk was relatively lower.

Dipersentasikan A study in the International Congress on Obesity in Istanbul, Turkey also reveal donkey milk contains omega-3. Quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (5/29/2011), the compound is useful for maintaining heart health.

Just like the donkey's milk, milk made from soy beans also have various advantages over cow's milk. Both are safer from the risk of heart disease because of the fat a bit, do not trigger allergies because of low fat and lactose.

Meanwhile, if both are compared, donkey milk has several advantages that are not owned by milk from soy beans. One donkey milk does not contain fitoesterogen, ie, estrogen-like compounds which exist in soybean seeds.

In humans, estrogen is a hormone that women will reduce the quality of sperm produced by men. As a result, as written Jorge Chacarro, MD in the journal Human Reproduction in 2008, the level of male fertility can be reduced.

Another impact of fitoesterogen on soy milk is a trigger of gynecomastia or breast enlargement in men. Secondary sexual symptoms that should occur in women can also appear in men, such as a mustache and beard do not want to grow.

Lack of donkey milk is not only available in large quantities because these animals only produce milk on average 1 liter / day. While soy milk could be produced in any amount because many who cultivate these plants. 

New Drug to Forget Bitter Memories

New Drug to Forget Bitter Memories
Good news for those who have a dark past, scientists recently found the drug to forget all that. Bitter memories will be lost from memory and its effects can last a few days after drug administration was stopped.

Metyrapone is a drug called work by inhibiting the production of the hormone cortisol. Besides triggering stress, hormone cortisol also plays an important role in reviving the negative memories stored in the memory of the brain.

"The results indicate if stress hormones reduced the brain is more difficult to remember kengangan-negative memories of the past," said Dr. Sonia Lupien, researchers from the University of Montreal as quoted by the ScienceDaily.

Dr Lupien that conclusion after conducting experiments in 33 adult men who were asked to read or learn a few stories. There are 2 kinds of stories are given, ie a story with shades of neutral and negative shades in the sense of pitiful.

After studying these stories, the participants were divided into 3 groups. Metyrapone The first group received a single dose, the second group received the same drug with multiple doses and the latter is only given a placebo or empty medicine.

After taking medicine regularly for 3 days, participants were asked again tells a sad story she read. Metyrapone participants who drank the most difficult with a double dose while recounting a placebo drink best memory.

In subsequent experiments, Dr. Lupien stop giving the drug to all participants. As observed back 4 days later, the effect is still the same ie, participants who received Metyrapone remains difficult given the sad story though it was not taking medication.

Dr Lupien hope someday her research results can be useful to overcome the psychological problems associated with stress. One of them in people who experience post-traumatic stress disorder.

Swimming Pool Water Can Damage Teeth

Swimming Pool Water Can Damage Teeth
Swimming in the pool that contains chlorine does not only increase the risk of children developing asthma and allergies. Recently, researchers discovered a pool of water containing chlorine can also cause tooth decay.

The use of disinfectants such as chlorine can be used to kill various pathogenic bacteria in the water. But if the compound is mixed with other organic materials such as urine and sweat, the chlorine can release a mixture of products that can irritate the eyes, skin and upper airways.

Recent findings researched by Dr. Leila Jahangiri from New York University College of Dentistry's Department of Prosthodontics, found that levels of chlorine and high pH limit could affect the occurrence of rapid and permanent erosion and enamel (outer layer) one's teeth.

Dr. Leila's case found this occurs in men aged 52 years who have problems are very sensitive teeth, tooth-colored yellow and the dark because of the rapid loss of enamel for 5 months. Loss of tooth enamel can indeed be triggered by medical illness such as bulimia or acid reflux, but in middle-aged men are the triggers are activities that do swimming every day for 90 minutes.

In addition to dental problems that are very sensitive because of eroded tooth enamel, men also have problems of skin disorders. After conducting the examination continues menenerus finally found the acidity of a swimming pool becomes the trigger man dental decay.

The findings of this case, according to Dr. Leila does not mean people should not swim but special attention should be the manager or owner of the pool to monitor the routine use of chlorine in a safe and limit the pool water pH level balanced.

"I do not want to give a warning to swim, but there needs to be awareness and prevention of the pool manager for the public not to panic," said Dr. Leila as reported from

According to Dr Leila, a swimming pool should have a neutral pH level between 7.2 to 7.8. While the use of chlorine should be used so as not to be a pollutant according to the American Chemistry Council, between 2.0 to 4.0 ppm (parts per million) and need not be below 1.0 ppm.

"PH balance in swimming pools is very easy to lose, and indeed maintenance of swimming pools is not as easy as people think, but still maintaining a very important element to keep it," said Dr. Leila.

He warned that parents be aware if the children complain of hot skin, sore skin, sore eyes or teeth feel very clean after swimming. Two of the complaints experienced has shown chlorine and pH in the swimming pool was too high.

If eye irritation can be reduced by wearing swimming goggles, the complaint and color sensitive teeth damaged by water swimming pools must be performed by a dentist to do veneers (coated) teeth with porcelain.

The important thing to consider in maintaining a swimming pool is to maintain the pH value correctly, do the cleaning or filters regularly, to ensure water circulation remains berajaln and maintaining a threshold value of chlorine and other organic materials.

Meanwhile, how to prevent contracting the disease from swimming pools can be made:

    Rinse yourself with water and antiseptic soap before and after the swim
    Do not swim if you have diarrhea or a gastrointestinal infection several days earlier
    Using a tight bathing suit stuck to the body should not loose
    Always try to urinate in the toilet
    Make a habit of washing hands with soap and running water. 

Black Coffee Can Increase Body Metabolism

Black Coffee Can Increase Body Metabolism
The key to stay slim and lose weight is to speed up the metabolic system. In addition to sports, black coffee it also can help increase metabolism.

The main thing that causes rapid or slow weight gain is the metabolic system and the process of burning calories. The higher the metabolism, the food is digested faster and burn more calories, so it does not cause fat deposits in the body.

Metabolism is the process of the body that convert food and beverages consumed into energy. During a complex biochemical process, calories in foods and beverages that are combined with oxygen to release energy needed for bodily functions.

Black coffee is one drink that can help increase your metabolism. In addition to fat-free, black coffee (without sugar) is also free of calories that can play a role in weight loss.

Several studies have shown that the caffeine in black coffee may act as a temporary appetite suppressant, so it can reduce the desire to eat.

Caffeine is also believed to provide a temporary boost to the body's metabolism. In this case, the body will digest the food to produce energy and heat a little faster than usual. This process is known as thermogenesis.

Caffeine can also stimulate physical activity, which burns extra calories. If caffeine makes you feel more awake, you can burn more calories through increased thermogenesis and physical movement. However, the impact of caffeine on thermogenesis varies from person to person.

For some individuals, caffeine in black coffee also acts as a diuretic. This means that caffeine causes a greater excretion of water from the body that is in the form of urine.

Therefore, black coffee can promote weight loss through water loss from the body. However, this reduction is usually not permanent, because the body does not lose any fat.

Got Camel Milk Benefits

Most people may not have been too familiar with camel milk. But it turns out this milk has many benefits for the body and have a better nutrient content that is known as a 'superfood'.
Camel milk has been widely consumed in almost all Arab countries, this milk tastes slightly saltier than other milk and is often produced as cheese.
UN organizations dealing with food (Food and Agriculture Organisation / FAO) said that camel milk is rich in vitamin B note, C and iron content 10 times faster than that of cow's milk.
In addition to mineral and vitamin contents are high, research has shown that antibodies contained in the alleged camel milk could help fight cancer, HIV, AIDS, Alzheimer's and hepatitis C.
"Camel milk could be a useful addition to food because it contains calcium and vitamin B and has a saturated fat content less than cow's milk," said a spokesman from the British Nutrition Foundation.
Another advantage of camel milk is not contain two powerful allergens that have been found in cow's milk, and has a component of the immune system that may provide benefits to children who are allergic to milk and other foods.
Potential components of the immune system in camel milk is expected to help fight some diseases. The researchers speculate that the small size of immunoglobulin or antibodies found in camel milk is more easily allow it to target the disease-causing foreign substances (antigens) that damage a person's immune system.
Dr. Reuven Yagil, an expert on the physiology of Israel who conducted the study for 5 years said that camel milk can be overcome autoimmune disorders that suppress the immune system of a person.
But it still needed further research, because scientific evidence that there has not been enough to prove the effectiveness of camel milk in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.

Things That Can Makes Allergy Symptoms

Things That Can Makes Allergy Symptoms
Allergies that appears either in the form of sneezing or itching is definitely very disturbing activities. But there are some things that can unwittingly make a person's allergies are getting worse.

Some of the tricks it can do to avoid allergy triggers, such as keeping the windows remained closed, keeping clean, or pay attention to the food consumed.

But many people do not realize that certain things can sometimes worsen the condition of allergy.

Job stress
Researchers at Ohio State University of Medicine found people with allergies will have worse symptoms when he did tests that stimulate anxiety. Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD, said stress hormones can stimulate the production of IgE (blood proteins that cause allergic reactions.)

Consuming alcohol
One reason for bacteria and yeast in the alcohol will produce histamine, the chemical that causes allergy symptoms like nasal congestion and itchy eyes. Richard F Lockey, MD, director of the division of allergy and immunology from the University of South Florida College of Medicine suggest to avoid alcohol consumption.

Ornamental plants in the house can trigger sneezing
Putting plants in the house can indeed refresh the eyes, but certain crops can spread the allergens into the air and make a person sneezing and trigger allergies. Plants such as ficus, varieties of orchids and ferns people considered most vulnerable to allergies.

Friends who smoke
Cigarettes contain many toxic chemicals that can irritate, and allergy sufferers are generally more sensitive than healthy people. Even though not having contact with people who smoke, smoke particles attached to the clothing can exacerbate allergic symptoms appear.

No shower after traveling
If the body vulnerable to dust, pollen or dirt from outside the immediate shower when I got home to avoid the entry of particles throughout the home. This is because the particles can be trapped in the body, hair, clothes and shoes.

Preventing pain that comes from driving

Preventing pain that comes from driving
Now the wheel has become an activity carried out daily by the community. But this activity can lead to some complaints in some parts of the body of the driver. Any complaints that?

Complaints that appear usually occurs when a person is driving for long distances or every day driving with the wrong position, causing pain or pain in some parts of the body.

Some complaints are often attacked the driver, as quoted from Lifemojo, Tuesday (31/05/2011), namely:
  •     Back and waist pain
  •     Pain in the neck and shoulders
  •     Repetitive stress injury, usually occurring on truck drivers who drive long distance to feel pain in the shoulder, elbow and wrist.
  •     Cramps in the lower leg
  •     Poor posture
  •     The existence of tension in the hamstrings
  •     Poor blood circulation in the legs

This condition is usually caused by sitting too long and not get good support from the spine, posture, driving the wrong, doing the same movements over and over again in 1 minute and a tire vibration that affects the muscles.

Uneven roads or bumps can cause vibration of the vehicle that affect the spine. If your posture is not correct, then this vibration can cause injury.

Long-term exposure can cause the disc herniation (pads between the vertebrae pushed out the normal position which causes irritation to the spinal cord).

To prevent the pain that comes from driving, there are several things you can do include applying ergonomic system that is:
  •     Start by adjusting the seat and posture, thighs should be comfortable position supported by the seat and knees should be slightly bent
  •     Do not sit too far away from the pedal. If the foot stretched while driving will increase the pressure on the lumbar spine and stress on the neck, shoulder and wrist.
  •     The back seat is tilted between 100-110 degrees from the feet to reduce the additional pressure on the spinal plate.
  •     Avoid bending while driving and when driving for a long time or suffer from back pain, use a buffer lumbar spine to provide support.
  •     Leg and pelvis should have enough room to move and change position without disturbing the activities of driving.
  •     Do not sit well with the pocket filled by the wallet, mobile phone or other content. This can injure the soft tissues, reducing circulation and pressed nerve that leads to the back and leg pain.
  •     Try a short break every 2 hours trip, out of the car and stretch the entire body especially the back and arms.

Holiday Extras Every 2 Months to Avoid the Most Ideal Stress

Holiday Extras Every 2 Months to Avoid the Most Ideal Stress
London, a high level of stress often experienced by office workers who during the day time ran out in front of the computer. In order not to stress and loss of motivation to work, ideally rations holidays taken every 2 months to go on vacation.

Even if someone really enjoys his work, body and mind need time to rest in total for each period. Working with a fixed routine for more than 2 months was mentioned less than ideal for an office worker.

According to a survey, too long to run the activity with a schedule that's it can make employees become more agitated, aggressive and even sickly. As a result of work performance declines, and even not infrequently lose morale aka burnout.

Surveys conducted by the Post Office Travel Insurance is revealed, only 20 percent of office workers in the UK who regularly use the time off every 2 or 3 months. The rest, about 44 percent only take leave every 1.5 years or more.

Extra vacation for 1-2 days every 2 months proved most effective to restore morale so that optimal performance again. But in a study, extra vacation too long ie more than 2 weeks will not provide extra benefit.

"Employees who rarely take time off rations tend more often experience anxiety, aggressive and eventually resigned. Other impacts are easily hurt and insomnia," said Prof. Cary Cooper, a psychologist from Lancester University as quoted from Dailymail, Tuesday (31/05/2011 .)

Another fact revealed in the survey are, male employees more easily decide to take leave than women. In addition, male employees tend to take leave on vacation with a duration longer than women.

How to Cope Sensitive Stomach

How to Cope Sensitive Stomach
Some people sometimes have a sensitive stomach, so not all that goes into the stomach can match. Then how do I fix this?

Sometimes the stomach gives a negative signal in expressing sensitivity or sensitivity to something that enters the body. Sensitivity of the stomach can cause a person to feel bloated or it could be diarrhea.

Even so there are some things you can do to fix this, as quoted from Lifemojo, Monday (05/30/2011), namely:

1. Identify triggers
Better to know the type of food can trigger sensitivity of the stomach. Try to make notes about how the body tolerates the food. Some foods are known to be triggers such as dairy products, foods that are too cold and spices.

In addition, grain or raw vegetables can also cause irritation of the lining is caused by the fiber, and vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and onions can cause gas in the stomach which can lead to stomach sensitivity.

2. Always provide medication when traveling
If you want to travel far and require to eat out, it always provide drugs to cope with sensitive stomach so you can avoid things that are not desirable.

3. Inadequate sleep and reduce stress
The second condition is a situation that could trigger a sensitive stomach. For that try to sleep at least 7 hours a day and learn the techniques reduce stress such as meditation, yoga or listening to certain music.

4. Eat slowly
Eat slowly and chew food well is very important for people with sensitive stomachs. This allows the saliva thoroughly mixed with food, so that helps the digestive process and break down food into smaller before entering the stomach.

5. Keeping your body hydrated
Make sure the body to consume 2-3 liters of water to reduce acidity in the stomach, because one of causes of a person often experience indigestion is due to lack of fluids.

This Happens When Women Sleep Wear Bra

This Happens When Women Sleep Wear Bra
Sleep is a great time to rest his breast by not wearing a bra. So what happens when women sleep with wearing a bra?

Not just resting the muscles, during sleep the body undergoes repair and detoxification (remove toxins). Sleep also gives an opportunity for the immune system to produce hormones immunity (immune system).

Therefore, you should use a loose-fitting clothing or remove clothing in his sleep, so it can accelerate and streamline the performance of the body in the repair process. For the women should remove her bra while sleeping.

Here are some things that happen when women wear bras to bed, as reported by LIVESTRONG.

1. Sweaty
There are some special bras designed specifically for sleep, usually made of nylon or cotton material that can make your skin 'breathe'. But if you wear a regular bra to sleep, the sweat and moisture will stay inside the bra. This can cause itching and in extreme cases can cause injury.

2. Restlessness during sleep
Regular bra (worn during the day) is specifically designed to support the breast and gives a beautiful shape. Bra like this are usually tight and toned so uncomfortable when worn while lying down or sleeping. Women who still wear a tight bra during sleep may have kegelihan and did not sleep soundly.

3. Insomnia
In extreme cases, wear a bra while sleeping also can be one factor in insomnia because your body is not free to breathe.

4. Breast cancer risk
Scientists from Sydney Singer and Soma Grismaijer his wife in 1991, once wrote in his book 'Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras', which contains about women who want to avoid breast cancer should wear a bra in the shortest time possible and preferably less than 12 hours per day.

"The best time to rest his breast without a bra is during sleep. Do not sleep with a bra," said Sydney Singer, as quoted by Chetday.

According to the Sydney Singer, use a bra for too long can increase the temperature of breast tissue and women who wear bras had higher levels of the hormone prolactin (hormone that functions to stimulate the milk glands) is higher. Both of these can affect the formation of breast cancer.

In addition, too often uses bra bra is too tight or use dangerous to health because it can also restrict the flow of lymph in the breast. Normally, lymph fluid wash waste material and other toxins, and also remove him from the breast.

Symptoms of Glaucoma Blindness Frequently Ignored

Symptoms of Glaucoma Blindness Frequently Ignored
Roads are often stumble, fall and often crashing are the symptoms of glaucoma are often ignored until it can cause permanent blindness. Symptoms are not many realize making this disease earned the nickname 'the thief of sight'.

"Glaucoma does not affect the light dark vision (such as cataracts or eye minus) but affect the visual field. So people are not aware of glaucoma, they still can read, can see the light, but his views increasingly narrow field. So-called 'the thief of sight," explained Dr Surya Utama, SPM, Eka Hospital Eye Specialists of Pekanbaru, on the sidelines of Eka Hospital Clients Gathering at Grand Hyatt, Jakarta, Thursday (19/05/2011).

Glaucoma is a condition of optic nerve damage is accompanied by a reduced field of view, this is related to several factors, one of which caused a high eye pressure.

According to Dr Surya, normal eye pressure is about 10-20 mmHg, if his eye ball pressure exceeds this limit or above 30-40 mmHg, the risk of glaucoma that can lead to permanent blindness.

"People who have glaucoma field the longer view will be more narrow, so as people see using binoculars. Yes, like a horse wearing sunglasses," said Dr Surya, completed her doctor of education in UB's Medical Faculty.

Dr Surya explained because many are not aware of the symptoms of glaucoma, early detection is needed to prevent permanent blindness.

"Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness is high in the world, not only in Indonesia. For that we need early detection to prevent blindness," said Dr Surya.

World Health Organization (WHO) said that as much as 90 percent of cases of glaucoma in developing countries is not detected. This is due to detection of glaucoma disease is quite difficult and requires active participation from the community and support from health services and government.

Here are some of the symptoms of glaucoma are often overlooked as mentioned by Dr. Surya:
  •     Roads often-crashing crashing
  •     Often stumble
  •     Can still see a bright but narrow visual field becomes so could not see the right-left or top-down
  •     Narrow vision which makes sufferers like a horse wearing glasses, if it is severe even like to see using the binoculars.
What causes glaucoma?

"The biggest reason is the anatomical abnormalities, including congenital defects (birth) or complications of eye disease or eye surgery," said Dr Surya.

A complete Dr. Surya also said another cause of glaucoma, namely:
  •     Heredity (genetic) that contribute 30-40 percent
  •     Anatomical abnormalities, because the angle of the eye is too narrow so that the eye pressure is high.
  •     Trauma
  •     Age
  •     Complications in eye surgery.
"Babies can also get called buphthalmos glaucoma (glaucoma in infants). This is usually due to anatomical abnormalities, inborn because the corners of his eyes narrow," explained Dr Surya.

Although it can cause blindness in late cases handled, but Dr Surya said that in many cases of glaucoma can be cured, for example by using a laser, a new eye channel operation or installation of the implant tool. 

Exactly How To Make Clean Teeth

Exactly How To Make Clean Teeth
Brushing teeth is not just a toothbrush rubbed around the mouth and then finished in a flash. Scientists say that the whole process of brushing teeth at least last for two minutes.

Brushing teeth is not only cleanliness but also ensure good oral health. Irregular or improper brushing the teeth will cause bad breath, cavities and periodontal disease (gum disease).

The correct way of brushing teeth, as reported by Lifemojo,
  •      Clean the outer surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth
  •      Clean the inner surface of the upper teeth and lower teeth
  •      Clean the surface of the teeth used for chewing
  •      For fresh breath, be sure to brush your tongue too.
  •      Tilt the brush at an angle of 45 degrees against the gum line and then broom (rubbed)
  •      Brush teeth at least twice a day, after waking and before bed. Try also brush your teeth after eating.
Apart from the correct way of brushing teeth, toothbrush election will also determine dental hygiene, among other things:
  •      A toothbrush should have soft bristles more
  •      A toothbrush should fit the size of the mouth
  •      Choose a toothbrush that is easy to use for you, do not choose a complicated shape and not in accordance with the conditions of the mouth of each.
  •      Replace toothbrush at least every three months to maintain good oral hygiene.
Brushing teeth is a basic activity that must be done every day and it is very important. Proper brushing will not only determine the oral health but also affect overall body health.

Diet Mistakes to Avoid When Vacation

Diet Mistakes to Avoid When Vacation
Many people who have failed diet during the holidays because of the temptation to eat from the outside. At least avoid the dieting mistakes that often occur during the holidays. Anything?

Vacation can be a challenge for people who are running the program on a diet. But there are some that can be done so you do not fail the diet during the holidays.

Mistake 1: Too refrain
When a holiday is a time that is difficult to avoid temptation, especially related to food. Too resist will only torture yourself. A better approach is to eat foods that you like small portions.

Mistake 2: Drinking excessive alcohol
People who drink alcohol before a meal, tend to overeat because alcohol can increase appetite. So even though the holidays, you should limit or not at all to drink alcohol.

Mistake 3: Emotional Eating
When a holiday not a few people who think the diet is also a holiday, so that eating becomes an emotional and crazy. Avoid eating this way if you do not want excessive weight gain after the holidays.

Mistake 4: Skipping breakfast
People who skip breakfast are more likely to snack throughout the day and increase your calorie intake than those who eat breakfast. Although the idea of ​​no breakfast can be very attractive when someone is trying to lose weight, but it did not work. Do not miss breakfast, because eating anything after waking up can increase metabolism by 10 percent.

Mistake 5: Drink plenty of high-calorie sweet drinks
Sweet drinks such as soft drinks, bottled juices, sweet tea can actually contribute to weight gain. Try to multiply the drinking water and reduce drinking sugary drinks, even during the holidays.

Child Like Eating Food Fast Food Has Low IQ

Child Like Eating Food Fast Food Has Low IQ
According to a study in the UK, get children to eat fast food or junk food can cause a decline in IQ in the future.

Study looking at the thousands of children in the south of England also found that children who love to eat foods that are vitamin has a pretty good intelligence in the future.

Head of research, Kate Northstone from Bristol University said that nutritious food provides a highly significant IQ differences from time to time.

Parents should begin thinking about the impact of healthy food for their children than merely a weight problem.

"Our message to parents to provide fresh food he could for their children," he said.

In this study found dietary changes after 3-year-old child there were no significant changes in IQ.

Research involving 14,000 people who were born in southern England between 1991 and 1992 whose health was monitored at age 3, 4, 7 and 8.

The study is published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Keratitis can threaten eyesight

Keratitis can threaten eyesight
Keratitis is inflammation or an inflammation of the cornea (clear layer on the front of the eyeball) eye.

Keratitis can threaten eyesight
If your eyes red, feels mnegganjal and light glare on it means your eyes are threatened his eyesight.

Eye inflammation caused by infectious microorganisms and excessive reaction of the body is called keratitis. The cause of the keratitis is an infection by bacteria, fungi, viruses and reactions to the use of excessive eye drops. Eye drops are relatively easily available in the community but many contain corticosteroids, where steroids can be a risk factor terjadimya fungal infection.

The use of betel was water can also cause keratitis in the eyes, because the natural materials used are not sterile so that caused the loss of corneal epithelial cells.

Eye infection that has been on the layer in the cornea of ​​the eye will leave the former white as scar tissue. Immediately to the doctor if there are white specks in the eyes.

Always keep your eyes! for motorcycle riders wear protective eyewear to prevent entry of dust, small animals and pieces of other objects.
Avoid using any eye drops and watch out for traditional medicine because it is not necessarily good for your eyes.

These 10 Benefits of Water For Body

These 10 Benefits of Water For Body
More than two-thirds of our body weight consists of water. Without enough water, your body functions will not take place normally. Here are some reasons why water is so important for our bodies.

1. Our blood is more than 80 percent water. Water is also required upon the formation of healthy new blood cells.

2. Our bones are more than 50 percent water. Water is also required upon the formation of healthy new bone cells.

3. Drink plenty of water helps to reduce pain in the body by enabling the movement of the lymph system. Lymph system is a network outside the blood vessels that help to remove waste products of metabolism from body tissues. This system requires water to function properly.

4. Water helps remove waste and toxins from the body through the lymphatic system, kidneys and digestive tract.

5. Water stain joints and helps reduce joint pain and protect joints from wear.

6. Regulate water metabolism, so when excess weight is needed plenty of water.

7. Water helps regulate body temperature.

8. Water helps for the electrical function of the brain and nervous system function properly. The brain and our nervous system sends electrical signals to function normally. A study says the brain generates electricity that can light a 60 watt incandescent lamp. This is why when someone gets the idea illustrated with incandescent lamps.

9. Water prevents the body becomes dehydrated.

10. Every cell and organ of the body requires enough water to function properly.

So, one of the fastest and easiest way to improve health is to drink water. Make sure you drink water on an empty stomach so that food digestion process is not disrupted by the entry of water.

This is the sixth Heart Attack Symptoms

This is the sixth Heart Attack Symptoms
The data in the United States showed a million Americans have heart attacks each year. Heart attack or in the language of medicine called a myocardial infarction (MI) is the permanent damage that occurs in heart muscle due to interruption of blood supply to the muscles.

Interruption of blood flow to the heart muscle usually caused by a blockage in one or both coronary arteries serving the heart muscles. Because the problem is coronary artery disease it is also known by the name of coronary heart disease.

With the rapid and precise handling, the heart attack patients can resume normal activities is limited. But if late or incorrect handling of the kematianlah happened.

Quick handling can only be done if gejal attack can be known early, here are some common symptoms that occur during heart attacks:

1. Discomfort in the left chest. Feeling like a crushed chest heavy objects.

2. Discomfort radiating to his left arm, neck and jaw.

3. Stomach feels bloated and full. Feeling of choking or pain in the pit of the stomach ulcer similar.

4. Dried cold, nausea, vomiting, dizziness.

5. Very weak or fatigue, anxiety, shortness of breath.

6. Rapid heartbeat and irregular.

Unfortunately some people have a heart attack without any symptoms such as in persons with diabetes. This certainly makes those who suffer from this disease more vigilant.

11 Reasons Stop Drinking Milk

11 Reasons Stop Drinking Milk
Milk and dairy products are not as healthy as people imagine. Here are 11 reasons why we should stop drinking milk.

1. Cow's milk for the calf fitting. Humans are the only species that still drink milk as adults and one of them who drink milk from another species.

2. Hormones. Not only the natural hormone in dairy cows that are stronger than the human hormone, dairy cows are also often given growth hormones steroids and other hormones to boost milk production. This hormone hormones can negatively affect the body's hormone balance.

3. Most of the cows get food that is not true. Dairy cow food currently available contain lots of synthetic materials, pesticides and antibiotics.

4. Dairy products when metabolized to form acids. Our bodies are naturally always maintain blood acidity at pH 7.3. Consuming acidic foods will disrupt the body's acid-base balance. One of the affected organ is the bone. As a result, bones become brittle.

5. Studies show the country the highest population consumes milk has the highest incidence of osteoporosis.

6. Most dairy cows live in cages with appalling conditions. They even ill never see the field of fresh grass.

7. Some milk and dairy products in the pasteurization to kill harmful bacteria. When the process of pasteurization, vitamins, proteins and enzymes destroyed. Damage to this enzyme makes milk difficult to digest cow's body so that troublesome body's natural enzymes.

8. Dairy products are mucous forming. Mucus produced play a role in respiratory illness.

9. The research linking milk with arthritis. In a study with rabbits, Richard Panush successfully create the rabbit has arthritis simply by replacing water with milk. In another study, more than 50% of complaints in the joints is reduced when the milk is removed from daily consumption.

10. Difficult to digest milk proteins the body. In some people, this protein even evoke an allergic reaction.

11. Pesticides are contained in food contaminated dairy cow milk we drink.

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura

Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is a blood disorder characterized by damage to blood platelets caused by autoantibodies against platelets.

Autoantibodies are antibodies that appear and attack the body's own cells in the case of ITP, antibodies attack the cells of platelets.

The emergence of ITP could be due to triggered by the drug, associated with infection, pregnancy, immune system disorders. However, nearly half of cases of ITP are caused by something unknown or idiopathic.

The main clinical symptom of ITP is bleeding. Other symptoms of easy bruising and spots of red spots on the skin. In certain cases, bleeding can be from the nose, gums, digestive system and urinal system. Brain hemorrhage is rare but is the most feared complication.

Acute ITP often occurs in young children. Men and women the same opportunity to suffer from ITP. About 85% of children ITP will recover within a year and did not reappear. Called chronic ITP when the disease lasted more than 6 months.

Treatment of ITP terggantung severity of disease. Treatment is not required in mild cases.

Changes in lifestyle can help prevent the occurrence of bleeding due to injury. These changes include wearing protective body organs during physical activity. ITP symptoms start to appear if the value of platelets below 50,000.

Burn Calories With a Hula Hoop

Burn Calories With a Hula Hoop
Playing with the hula hoop was able to burn calories with aerobic and fast road, according to a recent study.

In this study, researchers used a sample of women aged between 16 and 59 years who were told to perform aerobic for 30 minutes to play the hula hoop around her waist.

After training, the average heart rate is 115 samples beats per minute or 84% of maximum heart rate for their age. Average oxygen consumption of about 20 milliliters of pe kilogram per minute. Calories burned about 7 calories per minute or about 210 calories for half an hour of exercise.

"We were very surprised," said researcher John Porcari, PhD. An exercise physiologist at the University of Wisconsin, USA. "Now the hula hoop is not just a kids toy but 150 is a very high figure for heartbeat

Sweet Foods That Make Fast Haus

Sweet Foods That Make Fast Haus
Eating foods or drinks that contain lots of sugar, aka sweet often leaves people drank plenty of water because of thirst. Why does sweet foods and drinks quickly make people thirsty?

Thirst is an important part of human physiology. Thirst is controlled by several different signal and a very sweet foods is one thing that makes people thirsty fast.

People who eat foods high in sugar or simple carbohydrates, the blood sugar levels will quickly increase. Increasing the amount of glucose in the blood is eventually going to increase the osmolarity in the blood.

Osmolarity is a chemical term that describes how many molecules are dissolved in the liquid. If more and more substances dissolved in liquid, the higher the osmolarity.

Well, increase in blood osmolarity is what ultimately triggers the thirst as the body tries to dilute the extra sugar, as reported by LIVESTRONG on Saturday (26/05/2011).

The brain is an organ that is responsible for telling the body that you feel thirsty. There are special cells in the brain that detects blood osmolarity. Along with the increase in osmolarity, these cells send signals to other parts of the brain to trigger a thirst response.

Increased osmolarity is not the only thing that triggers thirst, decreased blood pressure also can make people feel hungry because the body tries to increase blood volume.

But even if thirst is a normal part of human physiology, excessive thirst can be a sign of bigger problems. For example, very high blood glucose levels can cause severe and chronic thirst. This may be a sign of diabetes that can be aggravated by eating sugar.

Diabetes also causes people to spend more urine because the high sugar levels cause sugar to appear in the urine. Excessive production of urine can also cause severe thirst.

Some health problems too quickly when chewing food?

Some health problems too quickly when chewing food?
Not a few people who eat with only chew food a few times and then hastily swallowing it. This method may save time to eat but not for your body. What happens when chewing food too fast?

If you are chased by time, eating occasionally rushed or too fast will not necessarily lead to many problems other than a stomach ache. But if fast food has become your habit, then there are some health problems lurking.

Here are some health problems that occur when people are accustomed to eating too fast, as reported by MedlinePlus, Saturday (28/5/20110:

1. Upset stomach (indigestion and upset stomach)
If you eat too fast will increase the risk of digestive disorders such as abdominal pain or upset stomach. Upset stomach and digestive usually have many symptoms such as burning sensation in the stomach with a heavy feeling (it was like eating rocks), the bitter taste in the mouth and pain in the abdomen.

If this digestive disorder is very severe, sometimes often mistaken for heart attacks. Discomfort is usually eased when the body has a chance to break down food too fast these ditelah.

2. Weight gain and oberitas
Brain and stomach work together to control the appetite and the process did not occur instantaneously. It took about 20 minutes for the stomach to communicate with the brain and let you know that you already feel full.

If you eat too fast, the calories will pile up before the body has a chance to tell the brain that you already feel full. Because relying on the abdominal discomfort (emotional satisfaction) and not from the brain signals, then the people who eat too fast will eat too many calories that make it risky to be fat and obesity (overweight).

3. Not sensitive to hunger and satiety signals
According to the Peace Health Medical Group of Washington, Alaska and Oregon, people who eat too fast will not be sensitive to signal hunger and satiety. And when the habit of eating too fast is not changed, then you could lose the hunger and satiety signals altogether. When this happens, then you can eat at any time in accordance with the emotions is no longer the signals from the body and brain. 

How to shrink the enlarged male breast due to being overweight

How to shrink the enlarged male breast due to being overweight
Breasts are raising is a nightmare for him, because no man wants to use a bra. So what to do to get rid of the shame of male breasts enlarged?

There are two things that can cause enlarged male breasts, namely excess body weight and medical condition called gynecomastia.

Male breast enlargement due to health conditions in the medical dictionary called gynecomastia, an abnormal growth of male breast. This is related to the growth of breast tissue. This condition may occur on one or both breasts.

Approximately 30-65 percent of men have a chance of having gynecomastia. And about 50-70 percent boys have gynecomastia during puberty, this phenomenon is only temporary and can last for several months.

In addition to health conditions, breast enlargement in men most often caused by being overweight. Male breast is also composed of fatty tissue stored over the pectoral muscle. To eliminate the fat in the breast, there are several exercises that can be done.

Here are some ways that can be done to shrink the enlarged male breast due to being overweight, as reported by Askmen, Saturday (28/05/2011):

Cardio exercise
Cardio exercise will burn some calories in a certain time, so that helps tighten the breast in men. Some cardio exercises that can tighten the male breast is:

1. Run
Road and running is the easiest cardio workout and burn enough calories.

2. Oar
Rowing is great exercise that has benefits for male breast toning exercises because it covers the upper body.

3. Tennis, basketball, hockey and football
The sport is a cardio workout that involves all muscle movement. Not only burn body fat, exercise can also tighten the male breast.

Weight training
Resistance training not only burns calories but also helps increase muscle mass. Weight training will also mambangun chest muscles strong and beautiful.

Weight training is lifting weights for example, push-ups and other exercises using such equipment in the fitness center or gym.

Shot of the sperm out Can Achieve 2 Meters

Shot of the sperm out Can Achieve 2 Meters
When having an orgasm, men will eject sperm with varying strength and speed. Its reach is also not the same, there are only a trickle a few centimeters in front of him but some are able to reach a distance of almost 2 meters if sprayed out or not to partner.

Prof. Alfred C. Kinsey, researchers from Indiana University revealed that in his research in 1998. Of the hundreds of men that he researched, 60 percent only capable of spraying or can be spelled 'shed' sperm at a distance of only a few centimeters.

But in some men, sperm during ejaculation spray distance can reach a distance of 70-10 inches, or about 17-25 cm. Even though not many, some men in the study of sperm capable of spraying up to a distance of 150-182 cm, or nearly 2 meters.

Distance bursts of sperm to the extent that it rarely happens, because in other studies almost never exist beyond a distance of 1 meter. Sexologists from the United States, William H. Masters and Virginia E Johnson says the distance average blast of sperm is only about 30-60 cm.

Several other studies also show the reach of sperm difficult to pass through the range of 60 cm. But Dr Jerry Kennard of St. John's University in his article quoted from, Thursday (05/26/2011) says the reach ejaculation in some cases can reach 3 feet or about 91.4 cm.

However, the measurement of bursts during ejaculation distance judged to be too much benefit. In the reproductive system, the distance is almost no effect because the sperm gush deep inside the vagina that could not reach a count meter.

Distance traveled to achieve uterine sperm averaged only 5 cm, so that bursts of speed and distance did not significantly affect the chances of conception. What matters is the number of sperm, normal morphological shape and of course the movement should be agile.

Serious Problems In Women's Sexual Disorders

Serious Problems In Women's Sexual Disorders
Irregular menstrual cycles or occasional whitish sometimes considered a matter of course by women. But recognize the 6 symptoms of sexual health disorders that should not be ignored women.

"Although some things are normal processes, such as pain that occurs when ovulation. But symptoms such as pelvic pain, itching or other symptoms can be a serious thing," said Holly Puritz, MD, FACOG, an obstetrician from the Group for Women in Norfolk, as quoted by WebMD, Thursday (05/26/2011).

Some gynecologic symptoms that appear sometimes confuse someone. The following symptoms indicate a serious sexual health problems and need to get help are:

1. Pelvic pain
If pelvic pain persists and causes discomfort, although the fertile period is gone, then this condition is suspect. Usually the doctor will suspect the condition of benign uterine fibroids and endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease which is usually accompanied by vaginal discharge and fever.

In some cases, pelvic pain strong and suddenly had to be overcome, might be caused by a ruptured cyst or ovarian bleeding that trigger pain.

2. Irregular bleeding
Generally, the use of birth control pills can cause blood spots, but not serious. However, if the bleeding or spotting that appear irregularly and last more than 1-2 months then try inspected. Other irregular bleeding also include menstruation more than 2 weeks, 2 times a month menstruation and bleeding after sex.

This condition can be caused by multifactorial, including uterine fibroids, polyps, infection of the cervix and also disturbances in thyroid hormone. If bleeding occurs after menopause, before puberty or during pregnancy it should alert you.

3. Abnormal vaginal discharge
Vaginal discharge is normal, but if accompanied by a strong scent, a lot of fluid, itching, burning, irritation, unusual colors and even with blood it would not be overlooked. This condition can be caused by fungal infection, trichomonas and bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Itch
Itching in the vaginal area is sometimes considered a trivial matter. But if the itch is already very disturbing, there is a change of skin, white spots appear on the vulva it should alert you. This condition can be called with lichen sclerosus who require medical treatment.

5. Vaginal dryness
This condition usually occurs in breastfeeding mothers or female menopause can trigger pain during sex. In addition, vaginal dryness can cause blood spots and also become more susceptible to infection.

6. Sores or lumps
Sores in the genital area can become a serious, such as herpes or cancer. Symptoms of vulvar cancer include unusual lumps like warts and red, flat wound that never healed and the wound sometimes scaly or discolored.

Pas Nutrients by Age Women

Pas Nutrients by Age Women
Nutrition is one of supporting life and affects a person's health level. For that to know the essential nutrients required by women's age group.

Vitamins and certain minerals are very important in certain life time. Here are the essential nutrients required by women's age group, as quoted by WebMD, Friday (05/26/2011), namely:

Age groups of children and adolescents

  •     At this age is important to consume fruits, vegetables, dairy products and protein sources. While other nutrients are especially important:
  •     Calcium, all ages need calcium but it will be important during childhood and adolescence. This condition is to help keep bones strong and fast is not porous when old.
  •     Iron, nutrition is very important especially when girls start menstruating to assist the production of red blood cells and prevent anemia.
  •     Reduce high-calorie foods, many children and teens now that excessive calorie consumption. For that avoid high-calorie diet and physical activity to balance it multiply.
Adult age group
  •     Some of the important nutrients for women during adulthood, especially if he is planning to become pregnant or are breast-feeding, namely:
  •     Folic acid, this nutrient is essential to prevent neural tube defects which can be fatal to the fetus is conceived.
  •     Vitamin B12, nutrition has a role similar to folic acid that is essential for nervous system development and function.
  •     Omega-3 fatty acids, these nutrients contribute a lot in helping the body including the brain and nerve cells remain healthy. In pregnant women can help prevent premature births, while for women who are not planning to become pregnant can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular.
  •     Vitamin D, this vitamin helps produce the skin cells when exposed to sunlight and helps the body absorb calcium.
  •     Iron, as long as a woman is still menstruating then he needs enough iron, whereas in women who are pregnant need more iron.
Elderly group (menopause)
  •     After menopuase the body undergoes further changes. Iron needs not as much as when she was menstruating and no increase in other nutrients to help absorb and metabolic processes. Here are the essential nutrients that should be considered:
  •     Calcium and vitamin D, although sometimes the bone loss is inevitable as increasing age, but this condition can be slowed by getting calcium and vitamin D intake is adequate.
  •     Vitamin B12, vitamin serves to prevent the occurrence of brain function decline with age that can be obtained from foods such as fish.
  •     Fluid, fluid needs of women increases with age. But generally when the old body's ability to recognize thirst signal is reduced so that it tends to consume less water.
In addition to nutrients, is also required regular physical activity. This is because as women get older he will experience loss of muscle mass, and physical activity can help maintain muscle.

Stupid Things Done Patient in Room Check

Doctors often get a negative image in the eyes of patients, such as arrogant or less listen to patient complaints. To be balanced, the patient also needs to reflect on the mistakes often made when dealing with doctors.

Anything as good as its ability, the physician remains a man who could not possibly change the fate of whether a patient is cured. One way to increase the chances of healing is through cooperation and good communication between doctor and patient.

Cooperation and good communication is sometimes hampered by the attitude of doctors who Jutek, but can also hampered by mistakes committed patients as quoted by CNN on Friday (5/27/2011) below.

1. Receiving a phone call
During his time in the examination room, the phone should be turned off, or at least ignore the first if there is an incoming call. Patients who busy themselves with the cell phone showed that health matters for him is nothing more important than other matters.

2. Lying or playing a secret
To be able to provide the best service, a doctor needs accurate information about their patients. Nothing to confidential, including if the patient is gay, had an abortion or often consume alcohol.

3. Complicated complaints
When complained, the patient liked too much to say that such people 'confide' when what is needed is only part of the doctor where it hurts, how long, hot or not and a few other simple information. The rest doctor will make sure they pass the examination. Skills of doctors to gather information and direct the conversation is very important when faced with patients who are convoluted.

4. File a complaint too short in the registration
Before the patient entered the examination room, doctors could study the first complaint if submitted in detail when you register at the administration. Sometimes the only existing registration file a complaint with sore throat, get checked in like chest pain.

5. Not convey the expectations of the examination
The obligation is to give the best doctors for their patients, but it is very subjective. For example, there are patients who feel only fit with certain drugs, should be submitted at the beginning before doctors prescribe other drugs are less expensive.

6. Do not know the type of medication received
Upon leaving the examination room, the patient should already know what drugs are prescribed by doctors following their respective functions. It should be a duty doctor to deliver it, but a wise patient should know and dare to claim their rights by asking questions.

7. Going by leaving a question
Some doctors did seem a bit grumpy, but not a reason for not asking things that are unclear. The patient pays a doctor to be checked and get information about the disease, so if you have any questions do not go home before getting a satisfactory answer.

8. Do not bring x-rays or other file
If you went to the doctor subscription, this may not be a problem because there are medical records there. But if not, do not ever forget to bring supporting documents such as x-ray examination or a referral.

9. Secretly not agree with the doctor
Some patients do not talk a lot or a say in the examination room, new home when he got angry and did not want to take medication given by doctors. If you do not like the way the doctor to check and type of medication he gave, to convey it or find another doctor.

10. Not abiding but get angry if not cured
Continuing the above points, when the patient agrees with the decision the doctors advice given must be followed properly. Doctors will not be responsible for everything that happens because they do not take medication or lazy obedient control.

Tea Leaf Teak Got Benefits Lose Weight

 Tea Leaf Teak Got Benefits Lose Weight
So far, the usefulness of teak tree leaves are known as traditional foods such as rice wrapper Jamblang Gudeg typical characteristic of Yogyakarta and Cirebon. Not just a wrapper, teak leaves it also has huge benefits for people who want to lose weight.

Teak is the common name for Tectona grandis tropical plants that grow in the Southeast and South Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, India and Myanmar.

The benefits of teak is no doubt as raw material for home furnishings such as furniture, doors and windows, and other home furnishings.

Although not as famous as the wood, turned the leaves of teak tree also has huge benefits for losing weight naturally when brewed as an herbal tea.

Starting from the Chinese tradition, the tea leaves of teak has become a safe natural slimming to health. According to some studies, teak leaf tea can even help lower the risk of heart disease and cancer, as reported by findteaonline, Friday (05/27/2011).

Teak leaf tea has a major ability to increase fat metabolism in the body. This is making it as a natural slimming that can help you lose weight, paved the digestive system and bowel movement (BAB), prevent obesity (overweight), reduce cellulite and reduce bad cholesterol.

Drinking a cup of tea teak leaves also help refresh the body and make the skin fresher added.

Not only lose weight, as a healthy beverage teak leaf tea also contains antioxidants that can help prevent diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and other diseases.

To get the perfect benefit, though it was drinking a cup of tea teak leaves on a regular basis, you should still be balanced with proper exercise and healthy eating.

Unfortunately until now no clinical studies of the benefits of teak leaves. Efficacy of teak leaves can lose weight just got from hereditary tradition.

Some people who drink traditional teak leaves claimed to be smooth bowel movement magnitude (BAB) and decrease appetite.