Writing secure Skin

Suddenly have to make important notes that are available while in the presence of only a pen so you undoubtedly targeted kulitlah the pen strokes. Activities such as these certainly are not familiar to you, especially those of you who work in the office. Then there are the questions, write to secure the health of skin with an ink pen?

We should be grateful that the ink pens are widely available on the market today are already free from toxic materials. So, parents need not worry when they found the child and family enter the head of a pen into his mouth. Seeing this reality would write on the skin is not really a problem for health.

Nevertheless, we must realize that the skin is an organ of the body that is very easy to absorb anything that is above the surface. Existing ink strokes on it did not escape no matter how small the absorption process. Furthermore, this ink will get into the bloodstream and this situation is not good for the brain and other vital organs.

Although further research on this subject is still needed, some experts consider this ink accumulated in the body potentially causing cancer. Although the risk may be regarded as small, it would be wise if we try to avoid it.

Finally, if indeed not compelled, to avoid writing your skin with ink pens.

Friendly with Grief

Grief is a natural process the body when we lose something, especially those we love. Besides the sadness also can be experienced by those who find their family members are sick and people who breakup.

Here are some things you can do to make sure you're not too late to make the sadness and grief as a friend.


Try to communicate with someone about what you are experiencing. Find a good friend or boyfriend who can be trusted and willing to accommodate all your grievances.


Perform everyday activities with full responsibility, particularly those related to work and avoid disrupting the flow of feelings of your everyday activities.


With exercise you will be able to forget everything that happens in addition to making your body stay healthy. Do not forget to consume healthy food and adequate rest.

Stay away from Alcohol

Do not go near alcohol when you hit adversity. Alcohol will make you more depressed in addition to destroying your body physically.

Activity immediately

The faster your normal activities then the sooner you'll forget your sadness.

Do not make decisions

Avoid making decisions that are very important, especially right after you lose it because when your mind and mental are not in clear conditions.

Remove sadness

Do not ever hold back tears when you really feel the sadness. If you want to cry, cry. If you want to get angry, angry.

Healthy With Vegetarian Diet

Eating healthy and nutritious food is a necessity for every individual, including for those who are living life as a vegetarian. Do not deny a vegetarian lifestyle will cause a person to experience shortages of some foodstuffs derived from animals, especially proteins.

Types of nutrients that are often less consumed by a vegetarian diet is vitamin D, vitamin B12, protein, zinc, iron and riboflavin. These nutrients are found in foodstuffs of animal origin.

Milk and soy is a food that is good for lack of sufficient protein. Combining foods like rice, nuts, cereals, bread, peanut butter is the right choice for the vegie call for those who live life as a vegetarian.

Finally, there is no reason for its vegetarian nutritional deficiency if you consume the right kinds of foods.Sarankan te

Nicotine and Health

What is nicotine?

Nicotine is a substance contained in tobacco leaves. Every time someone inhaling nicotine-containing materials then this substance will pass into the body and bersemayan on the brain. Every single cigarette contains at least 10 milligrams of nicotine. Nicotine is what will make someone addicted to smoking.

Although that is contained in one cigarette about 10 milligrams, but which are really absorbed into the body is as much as 1 to 2 milligrams of course, the rest is wasted into the air. Nicotine in a large number of highly fatal and is often used as pesticides in agriculture.

Nicotine used for anything?

Until now, cigarettes and nicotine-derived products is the biggest contributor to human consumption.

What are the effects of nicotine on the human body?

Every smoke cigarettes, nicotine will enter into the lungs and then absorbed into the bloodstream. In just eight seconds, the nicotine will reach the brain and alter brain works. This process is rapid because of the nicotine acetylcholine shape similar to that normally found in the brain.

Next Nicotine increases heart rate and respiratory frequency. Nicotine also increases the blood sugar levels. This causes a smoker will feel fresher after smoking.

Nicotine contained in brain nerve cells will also stimulate dopamine expenditure. This substance is a substance that can enhance pleasure, comfort and pleasure. In normal people, the effect of dopamine is usually triggered by food, comfort and affection with loved ones. That's why smokers feel pleasure when smoking.

Within 40 minutes, half of the dopamine effect will disappear. Now, in times like these arise the desire to smoke one cigarette again. This is why a smoker would continue to smoke without a break to get what they wanted dopamine concentration in the brain.

Nicotine causes addiction similar to the dependence on narcotic drugs because nicotine can alter some functions of the brain as described above.

In addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain at least one dangerous chemical substances 4000. Among the substances are the most dangerous substances are tar and carbon monoxide. Tar can cause lung cancer, emphysema and other respiratory diseases. Carbon monoxide can cause heart problems.

Smokers will also feel the smell and taste disorders. Lowered stamina exercise, premature aging, and discoloration of teeth.

Tips for Choosing a Good Bra And True

Bra or underwear bra is mandatory and is always worn by a woman. Although wearing bra is a work routine and trivial things but not a few women who do not understand how to use the bra properly.

Wearing a bra with good and right in addition useful to improve the appearance and comfort are also important for health. A good bra will increase your confidence and your mood. In addition, a good bra will also help to form your posture so you will look slim and sexy. Buying a good quality bra will make you more efficient because the bra can be used in a long time.

When choosing a bra, make sure the shoulder strap can be pulled as much as possible and his cup fitted at your breast. Furthermore, breast hook tie on the middle and wear crocheted shoulder strap. Fitting a bra cup your breasts in such a way to use both hands and not to get stuck or loose parts. Furthermore, eratkan shoulder strap with caution so unused to fit and not to harm your skin.

There are some signs that indicate that a bra is not suitable for you. For example, there is a red line on the shoulders and back while you tighten the shoulder strap. This is because you use a bra too small so that her bra are too narrow. While if the cup or the shoulder strap is always changing position of her bra then the possibility of greatness. You must also ensure that the bra cup does not cover the entire breast is the alias you just half of it so it will look more attractive and able to support your breasts are better.

How to get a baby boy or girl

Men and women alike. The words we often hear from a couple who is waiting for the baby. But sometimes in their hearts, there is a desire that can not be denied that they have the expectation that children born to women or men. Can we design a child born as a male or female? Can!

The first business to be done, of course, pray and ask him directly on the Author of Life. Alternatively, lawful effort-effort that can and should do.

Every time ejaculation, normal male sperm release 2 to 5 sprays. In duration, the sperm produced approximately 2 to 5 cc. Normal sperm per cc contains 60-200 million sperm. So every man ejaculates, 120 to 1 billion sperm has been removed from his body.

As we know, there are two genes in the sperm. Androsperma also called Y and Gynosperma genes that can be referred to as gene X. Gen Y is the gene that allows us a pregnant mother of daughters, whereas the gene X is the opposite. If husband and wife are equally dominant X gene was then the most likely, both will have a daughter. But if the father dominant gene Y and gene X then the mother is likely that children born are male. Nevertheless, it is counting logic that never beat the wonders of nature and power of God.

How to calculate ovulation or peak fertility of a woman:

· Given the date of the net early in a woman every month, for example, every December 05th.

Known · net period end date of a woman every month, for example, every December 27th.

· Formula: ((date each month) - (date of each month)) / 2 = n;

· Later n the date of the beginning of the net from a woman = time of ovulation or peak fertility period of a woman


(27-05) / 2 = 11; 05 11 = 16 - a day to 16 since the beginning of the net from a woman is the culmination of a woman's fertile period or ovulation

Sperm characteristics:

1. Androsperma, carrying the gene Y:

· Moving more slowly.

· Over able to survive much longer (the average age of approximately 2 to 3 days).

· Over resistant in the 'atmosphere' of acid.

· No resistance in the 'atmosphere' bases.

· Having Specific Gravity (BJ) lighter.

2. · Gynosperma, carrying gene X:

· Moving more nimble.

Fibromyalgia or Muscle Pain

Do not take for granted the pain and stiffness in the muscles you. Especially if the disruption had been prolonged. Because you could be attacked by fibromyalgia.

Syndrome, fibromyalgia (pain syndrome Miofasial, Fibromiositis) is a collection of disorders characterized by pain and stiffness in soft tissues, including muscles, tendons (which connect muscle to bone) and ligaments (which connect bones to other bones). Pain and stiffness may occur in the whole body or limited to certain areas.

According to experts, this penyakiti more often experienced by women compared to men. Emotional tension and stress factors assumed to be able to increase the risk of this disease. Although not dangerous and is not fatal, but symptoms are very disturbing settled sufferer.


Generally, patients will experience pain and stiffness in the joints or muscles. Quite often also the pain of the tendons that attach muscle to bone.

Symptoms appear usually in the form:

* Feeling stiff in the morning attack
* The pain is widespread and lasted more than 3 months
* Often feel tired, restless and sleep soundly
* Experiencing problems such as headaches, irritable bowel syndrome and pelvic pain

The cause is unknown, but is usually triggered by:

* Physical or mental stress
* Lack of sleep
* Injury
* Presentations by humidity or cold
* Certain infections
* Rheumatoid arthritis


Besides consumed drugs, fibromyalgia sufferers can also perform self-care, such as:

* Set yourself to the best of it. Do not allow yourself to be dissolved under pressure and cause stress.
* We recommend that you avoid doing the activity repeatedly and for hours. Currently has to the event, selingilah with time to rest.
* Rutinlah berolaraga. Choose the type of low impat sports such as walking, bike riding, swimming or just doing stretching exercises
* Improve posture by strengthening the support muscles, especially the abdominal muscles.
* Improve your sleep patterns. It would be better if you do not use sleeping pills.

Actually, the best factor that could be done to avoid and reduce fibromyalgia is to maintain physical condition remains good, avoid stress and sleep well.

But there are also several supporting factors that you can apply, namely:

* Try not to leave your job. The impact of this disease is worse in those who declared themselves unable to conduct any activity and then choose quit from all these activities

* Learn relaxation techniques, doing massage or bath with warm water.

Medications fast On Migraine

For those who never suffered from migraine or migraine can certainly feel how the pain when the disease was relapsing. The headaches, nausea, vomiting and fear with the lights or loud noises are the main symptoms are felt by some migraine sufferers.

Here are some things you can do when a migraine attack has started. This is the first aid before you decide to go to the doctor.
  • Drink a migraine drug that had given the doctor.
  • Drink water that you are not sick enough for nausea or vomiting.
  • Lie down on a fairly dark room and quiet.
  • Balutlah your forehead with a cool cloth.
  • Massage the area that you feel sick, gently.

Causes of neck pain

Any normal person w ould have a neck And surely everyone knows what the function of the neck. In addition to supporting the head, the neck is also a place of passage of nerve cells from the brain to the vital organs of the body organs like heart, lungs and others.

As an organ composed of various tissues of the body, neck injuries and was also able to experience pain. Injury to the neck can not be underestimated as it can cause paralysis of organs in other parts of the body. Not only that, the neck injury may also cause death.

In addition to injury, here are some things that can cause pain in the neck.

- As a result of a process of inflammation or inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
- A process of bone degeneration or aging neck.
- Injury caused by accidents, sports and others.
- Infection or a tumor that attacks the neck even though it is extremely rare.
- Congenital abnormalities of the bone collar bone. It is also rare.


The cause of ear pain

Ear pain is often caused by infection and plural occurs in children. Why? Because the children, a liaison channel between the middle ear and throat are still straight and short so that the infection occurred in the throat easily spread to the middle ear.

Here are some circumstances that can cause ear infections in children, especially children.

  • Infection in the sinus area.
  • Common cold.
  • Especially the main symptom of allergies in the nose.
  • Adenoid gland enlargement due to infection.
  • Abnormal dentition in children.

With the right treatment for the causes above, the most likely complication of the ear can be prevented.