Why People Typhus Not Allow Many Moves?

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  • Why People Typhus Not Allow Many Moves?
    Many people consider the disease typhus is a common disease. Sufferers do not even want to follow your doctor's advice for complete rest. Why people should not be doing much typhus?

    Typhus is a disease caused by inflammation of the intestinal bacterial infection with Salmonella typhosa who contracted through food and drink that water infected with bacteria. The bacteria enter through the mouth and spread to the stomach and then into the small intestine. These bacteria multiply in the gut and then.

    In the first week of typhoid germs can only be seen from the feces. Then in the second week only be known through the blood due to infection in the intestine has entered into a blood vessel. And in the third week of a positive diagnosis can be seen in the urine.

    "Usually in the first week was not found positive results in blood, that's what people often call with symptoms of typhoid fever. When in fact he has been exposed to typhus but because the bacteria have entered the blood vessels so the blood test result is negative," says Dr. Dante Saksono H SpPD, PhD detikHealth when contacted on Friday (05/27/2011).

    According to Dr. Dante a lot of people interpret pain as a symptom of typhoid fever typhoid fever initially when it is not appropriate. People who had actually been affected by symptoms of typhoid fever typhoid disease stage only being different. He said that truth is not a disease but symptoms of typhoid fever typhoid disease still only just a different stage.

    Generally in the diagnosis of typhoid disease conducted a blood test checks to see if there are antibodies produced by the body of Salmonella typhosa bacteria that cause typhoid disease. If the germs have entered into a blood vessel, then the blood test results will be positive.

    Besides that characterize the most typical of typhoid fever is to see the number of leukositnya (white blood cells). Generally, if an infectious disease caused by bacteria will cause the number of leukositnya increased, but not so the disease typhoid fever.

    "If the infection is caused by Salmonella bacteria, the number leukositnya will decrease. As for the number of platelets can not be used as a benchmark," said the physicians who practice on the RSCM and teaching at the Faculty of medicine this.

    Symptoms usually appear from the disease typhoid fever is the body heat or fever for several days mainly afternoon and evening, the pain in the left abdomen, the tongue is white but the center of the red edges and changes in bowel pattern (BAB).

    Dr. Dante said if someone had tested positive for typhoid didiganosis, the handling is to eat appropriate antibiotics and plenty of rest in bed and consume water.

    Why need adequate rest in bed?

    Typhoid cure is to eliminate the bacteria that enter the body. Therefore, patients should rest and not move much faster for body heat down.

    If a lot of moves can make the body temperature rises and the bacteria will continue to proliferate into the blood. Many moves are also not good because people with typhoid are experiencing problems that are fragile intestines which can be more hurt if a lot of motion.

    "People with typhoid illness may eat as usual or rice and do not have to eat the mushy-mushy. Most importantly do not be too many vegetables, fiber," says Dr. Dante.

    Dr. Dante explained this as fibrous vegetables difficult to digest by the intestine, whereas when people exposed to typhoid, the intestines are injured due to infection, so patients need to reduce foods that are difficult to digest.

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