Tricks Reduce Pain Naturally

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  • Tricks Reduce Pain Naturally
    Pain and tenderness in the body could cause discomfort. Even so there are some simple tricks that can be done to reduce pain and illness naturally.

    Most people will consume drugs are sold freely to relieve pain or pain that is excruciating. However, several studies reveal the ways natural but effective way to reduce pain, as quoted from, 

    1. Curse
    Cussed are known to increase tolerance of discomfort, and can trigger an attack of physical and hormonal reactions that can ease the pain or pain that appears.

    2. View photos of loved ones
    Seeing a loved one such as spouse or child can trigger the body to release chemicals that could cover areas in the brain that regulate pain, so he would feel less pain.

    3. Fantasize about something fun
    Allowing the mind to fantasize about something fun like sex to compensate for pain and pain arise. Fantasy will reduce anxiety and makes a person become more relaxed.

    4. Take a deep breath and slowly remove
    Breathing in slowly, significantly reduced the sense of discomfort that is stimulated by pain. And breathing also helps to disable the response of fight-or-flight body to pain.

    5. A little meditation every day
    People who meditate regularly have thicker areas in the cortex (the brain that affect pain sensitivity), the thickness of the sensitivity decreased. A few days meditating can increase tolerance to pain.

    6. Sniffed the aroma of green apples
    Studies of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago found that the aroma of green apples can reduce muscle contractions in the head and neck, and reduce anxiety so that someone could lebhi tolerance to pain.

    But if the pain comes not also reduced or lost, especially if coupled with other symptoms, then immediately consult with your doctor to find out the cause of the pain.

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