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6 Crying for Health Benefits

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  • Gradually crying can make the eyes red and swollen. But behind it, cry or shed tears it could be a useful panacea for the health of body and mind. Anything?

    6 Crying for Health Benefits

    Quoted from Beliefnet, this is it six tears that can benefit you get after crying or tears.

    1. Helps eyesight
    Tears turned out to help one's vision, not just the eye itself. Discharge from the eyes to prevent dehydration of the membrane of the eye that can make the vision become blurred.

    2. Killing bacteria
    No need eye drops, enough tears that serves as a natural antibacterial. In the tear fluid contained the so-called lisozom that can kill around 90-95 percent of the bacteria left behind from computer keyboards, railings, sneezing and sites that contain bacteria, just 5 minutes.

    3. Improve your mood
    Someone who cries can lower levels of depression with crying, mood will be lifted again. Tears were generated from the type to cry because the emotion contains 24 percent protein albumin are useful in regulating the body's metabolic system than tears resulting from irritation of the eyes.

    4. Remove toxins
    A biochemist William Frey has conducted several studies about tears and found that the tears that came out of the emotional cry because it contains toxins. But make no mistake, tear out the poisonous it signifies that he brought the poison from the body and release it through tears.

    5. Reduce stress
    How tears can reduce stress? Tears of stress hormone release was also found in the body of leucine-enkaphalin endorphin and prolactin. In addition to lowering levels of stress, tears also help fight diseases caused by stress such as high blood pressure.

    6. Comforting feeling
    Everyone seemed to feel that way. Although you suffered various kinds of problems and trials, but after crying usually will appear a sense of relief. After crying, the limbic system, brain and heart will be smooth, and it makes a person feel better and relieved.


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  • Hepatitis
    Hepatitis is a general term for all forms of inflammation that occurs in the liver or liver. Hepatitis can be acute or chronic with a variety of causes. Hepatitis can be caused by viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E), other viruses such as mononucleosis or chickenpox virus.

    Hepatitis is also caused by drugs, excessive alcohol consumption and toxins from the environment. Another factor causes of hepatitis including excessive fat accumulation in the liver (fatty liver), trauma and disease autoimmun.

    Diagnosis of hepatitis is sometimes obscured by the flu because the symptoms are almost the same. Though some of hepatitis must be handled properly so as not to be serious and affect liver function.

    The liver is the organ that is essential for the body because the liver produces bile acids to aid digestion of fats, cleanse the blood of substances hazardous chemicals and regulate chemical substances contained in blood.

    Five viral hepatitis can only infect humans in various ways but the point remains the same ie they infect the liver and make it inflamed. The acute phase of this disease will be cured in 2 to 3 weeks and complete recovery in 9 weeks.

    Causes of Hepatitis

    Although the symptoms are caused almost similar but the effects of each cause can be different. In cases of viral hepatitis, severe illness is very terggantung least of the type of virus that infects.

    Hepatitis A

    The virus is transmitted through the mouth and anus of contaminated food or water. This virus is the most harmless and can heal itself without complications.

    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B virus is transmitted through sexual contact, blood transfusions and needle exchange rate with the patient. The virus can cross the placenta so that it can be transmitted from pregnant mother to the fetus.

    Generally, patients with hepatitis B will recover completely. A small percentage will still carry the virus in their bodies (career) and can transmit the virus to others. Some of them can become chronic hepatitis. Almost 25% of patients will experience complications of chronic hepatitis liver cirrhosis or liver cancer is deadly.

    Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis C is transmitted through blood contact or use of contaminated needles, including tattoo needles. Although infection with this virus had no symptoms but about 20% of sufferers will develop liver cirrhosis within 20 years.

    Hepatitis D

    Hepatitis D occurs only in people infected with hepatitis B and aggravate the illness. The virus is transmitted through sexual contact and from mother to fetus. Although it is rare but hepatitis D is very dangerous because its combination with hepatitis B who are also dangerous.

    Hepatitis E

    Hepatitis E typically occur in Asia, Mexico, India and Africa. As with viral hepatitis A, hepatitis E is transmitted through the mouth. This disease can not become chronic. The virus is slightly more dangerous than hepatitis A because it can cause death in pregnant women.

    Hepatitis due to alcohol, toxins and drugs provide the same symptoms caused by viral hepatitis. The difference, hepatitis is not caused by bacteria infection but because of excessive alcohol consumption in a long time, the entry of toxic / hazardous chemical substances from the environment and the use of drugs that are not true. Drugs that often cause hepatitis is paracetamol, if taken to excess. 

    Antioxidants Good For Male Fertility

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  • Antioxidants Good For Male Fertility
     According to research, the antioxidants are very good for improving male fertility.

    Data taken from 34 clinical trials (clinical trial) with more than 1,000 couples of childbearing age who visited a fertility clinic in England. Most of the men of couples of childbearing age has a low number of sperm cells.

    The couple is then able to conceive and give birth to live children after the men consumed antioxidants include vitamins and minerals.

    The findings are then published in the journal The Cochrane Library.

    However the research is very promising still needs further research, according to Dr. Allan Pacey, senior lecturer at the Andrology, University of Sheffield, England.

    According to antioxidant therapy is not always to increase the number of sperm cells of men and not all cases of male infertility can be helped.

    Tips for Overcoming Cough

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  • Tips for Overcoming Cough
    Flu symptoms are cough cough is gone but still felt until a few days. Even many who returned to the doctor just because a cough is unwilling to go. Here are some tips to get rid of a stubborn cough.

    1. Heat a bowl of water, after boiling move to another place and then breathe out water vapor. It aims moisturize the inflamed airways and cause coughing. If there is money, you can buy water humidifier.

    2. Avoid foods or drinks that contain milk because it can increase the production of mucus in the airways.

    3. Expand the consumption of water and make sure your body is always fulfilled his need for water. Sufficient amount of water in the body will optimize all bodily functions including the immune system.

    4. Drink honey. Honey has anti-bacterial effect and anti-virus. But do not give honey to children under 1 year because it can cause the disease botulism.

    5. Take a piece of ginger and then input into the warm tea, drink 2-3 times a day.

    If after trying several ways over the cough is still stubborn, immediately to the doctor.

    Tips for Preventing Hepatitis Virus Infected

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  •  Tips for Preventing Hepatitis Virus InfectedHepatitis is a general term to mention all the inflammatory process that occurs in the liver. This inflammation can be chronic or acute with a variety of causes.

    The organs most affected in the course of hepatitis liver. In fact there are several hepatitis viruses that can damage the liver function so that it can cause death.

    Of the many causes of hepatitis, viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D and E) is the most commonly found.

    Here are some tips you can do to prevent contracting the hepatitis virus.

    1. Vaccination

    Currently available vaccines for hepatitis A and B which proved very effective. Gift can be a one or a combination of both. Unfortunately the vaccine for hepatitis C has not been found.

    2. Wash hands

    Try hand washing especially after using the toilet and before preparing / handling food. Wash hands with soap and water or by using hand sanitizers.

    3. Stay away from someone else's blood

    No one knows if someone is suffering from hepatitis patients do not even know it. Because it is the majority of hepatitis patients do not complain of symptoms that are meaningful.

    Consequently, we must always protect themselves from contact with the blood of others, especially for those working in health facilities.

    If there is blood contact, wash with soap as soon as possible.

    4. Be careful with the needle

    Very likely we're exposed to hepatitis from needles used to make a tattoo or piercing. So, make sure the needles used for that action actually sterile and people who perform tattooing is a professional.

    5. Know when to exchange something

    Rates exchange toys, office equipment and vehicles is something that is familiar and safe, otherwise become unsafe if we exchange rate toothbrushes, razors, nail cutters and other personal devices. Of course, these include syringes and medical equipment.

    6 Make safe sex with

    There are 3 types of viral hepatitis that is transmitted through sexual contacts. Thus it is important to know your medical history, a close friend. Remember always to use condoms unless you are sure you both are not infected with hepatitis.

    7. Watch what you eat and drink

    Although your home has been very concerned about hygiene when preparing food but you can not find out what and how food is prepared when you bought it outside the house.

    Be very careful in selecting and sorting food, especially foods that are consumed directly.

    Vitamin A On Sunscreen Causes Cancer

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  • Vitamin A On Sunscreen Causes Cancer
    A press release came from practitioners surprising Environmental Working Group (EWG) Retinyl Palmitate on the possibility that many chemicals found in sunscreen products may cause skin cancer if this material is exposed to sunlight.

    According to the conclusion of the National Toxicology Program or NTP that quoted EWG, based on observations of 11 scientists from several universities on the effects of Retinyl Palmitate in animals found that there has been increased activity of skin tumor cell growth if the material is applied to the skin of animals and then exposed to sunlight.

    Sunscreen should prevent skin tumor cell growth and not vice versa, so this discovery really surprised. Especially since most of the sunscreen products on the market contain ingredients Retinyl Palmitate.

    This result is, of course, received criticism from other scientists. According to them, the results found in animal experiments certainly can not be generalized to humans. Remember, in a sunscreen product does not only contain Retinyl Palmitate but mixed with other ingredients and of course the effect will berebeda.