Advantages Compared Donkey Milk Soy Milk

Advantages Compared Donkey Milk Soy Milk
Animals are often considered animal dumb ass, while the soybean crop is always staying digadang as one of the best nutritional sources. But in some ways, the milk produced by these dumb animals can surpass milk made from soybeans.

Milk produced by a female donkey was once popular in the past, even been known since ancient Egyptian civilization. It is said that Queen Cleopatra is famous for beautiful always maintain their health by drinking donkey milk and use it for bathing.

No wonder if Cleopatra remained slim until the end of his life, because research has shown that soy milk does not cause fat. Unlike cow's milk that often trigger obesity, calorie content in donkey milk was relatively lower.

Dipersentasikan A study in the International Congress on Obesity in Istanbul, Turkey also reveal donkey milk contains omega-3. Quoted from Dailymail, Sunday (5/29/2011), the compound is useful for maintaining heart health.

Just like the donkey's milk, milk made from soy beans also have various advantages over cow's milk. Both are safer from the risk of heart disease because of the fat a bit, do not trigger allergies because of low fat and lactose.

Meanwhile, if both are compared, donkey milk has several advantages that are not owned by milk from soy beans. One donkey milk does not contain fitoesterogen, ie, estrogen-like compounds which exist in soybean seeds.

In humans, estrogen is a hormone that women will reduce the quality of sperm produced by men. As a result, as written Jorge Chacarro, MD in the journal Human Reproduction in 2008, the level of male fertility can be reduced.

Another impact of fitoesterogen on soy milk is a trigger of gynecomastia or breast enlargement in men. Secondary sexual symptoms that should occur in women can also appear in men, such as a mustache and beard do not want to grow.

Lack of donkey milk is not only available in large quantities because these animals only produce milk on average 1 liter / day. While soy milk could be produced in any amount because many who cultivate these plants. 

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