Sajen make this god is very beneficial for human health. Fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals are able to prevent a variety of degenerative diseases, reduce emotional stress, and neutralize toxins in the blood.
Dragon fruit has a very unique and attractive appearance. The size of a mango gedong lipstick, with light red color. Her skin was like a big snake scales (dragon), but not because the fruit is known as dragon fruit. It feels fresh and slightly sour sweet.
There is a link to the myth can lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Lately fruit plants are also starting to bear fruit used as an ornamental plant grown in pots.
Rich Fiber
Fiber content on the dragon fruit is very good, reaching 0.7 to 0.9 grams per 100 grams. Fibre is needed by the body to lower cholesterol. In the digestive tract fibers will bind bile acids (end products of cholesterol) and then released with feces. Thus, the higher consumption of fiber, the more bile and fatty acids released by the body.
In addition to preventing cholesterol, fiber content on the dragon fruit is also very useful in the digestive system. Dietary fiber (dietary fiber) was able to shorten transit time, ie the time it takes food from the oral cavity until the rest of the food issued in the form of feces. Meanwhile, food fiber will bind carcinogenic substances. Thanks to the short transit time, time residing carcinogenic substances in the body also become shorter, so that the smaller the opportunity to harm the body (Goldberg, 1994).
Dietary fiber is very good for preventing diabetes mellitus, heart disease, stroke, cancer, and other cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, fiber consumption in Indonesia is still very low, about 10 grams per person per day. In fact, the recommended intake of food fiber is 20-30 grams per person per day.
Dragon fruit is renowned as one source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a provitamin A in the body is converted into vitamin A which is very useful in the process of vision, reproduction, and other metabolic processes.
It is estimated that every 6 micrograms of beta-carotene has a biological activity equivalent to 1 microgram of retinol. FAO-WHO group has calculated that only about half of the absorbed beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A. Approximately only 1 / 6 of the content of carotenoids in food ingredients that would eventually be utilized by the body.
Beta-carotene is also a type of antioxidant that may play an important role in reducing the radical concentration peroksil. Ability to work as an antioxidant beta-carotene derived from its ability to stabilize carbon-core radicals. Because beta-carotene is effective at low concentrations of oxygen, can complement the antioxidant properties of vitamin E are effective at high concentrations of oxygen.
Beta-carotene is also known as an element of cancer prevention, especially skin and lung cancer. Beta-carotene can reach more parts of the body in a relatively longer time compared with vitamin A, thereby providing optimal protection against the emergence of cancer.
Lower Cholesterol
According to Al Leong from Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system. Also very effective for reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxins in the blood.
Research Agency of Agriculture said that the dragon fruit can lower cholesterol levels, balancing blood sugar, kidney function and bone strengthening, and improving the working of the brain. Savor the dragon fruit is still unknown by the public. In addition to research that is still very limited, the fruit is still very rare. In fact, there are still many among us who are totally unfamiliar with this fruit.
Dragon fruit is a source of vitamins and minerals are pretty good. Levels of vitamin B1 on the dragon fruit reaches 0.3 mg per 100 grams of fruit flesh. Consumption of vitamin B1 per person per day is recommended by the National Widyakarya Food and Nutrition (2004) is 0.5 to 0.9 mg for children under 10 years old, and 0.9 to 1.0 mg for adults. Pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding need an additional amount of 0.3 mg per day above the normal requirement.
In principle, thiamine (vitamin B1) acts as a coenzyme in reactions that produce energy from carbohydrates and transfer energy to form energy-rich compound called ATP. Thiamine deficiency causes polyneuritis (dried berries), which is caused by the disruption of nerve transmission or neural networks suffer from lack of energy. Symptoms of thiamine deficiency initially was tired, loss of appetite, weight loss, and indigestion.
Dragon fruit also contains potassium, iron, protein, calcium in sufficient quantities both to increase endurance. These substances are also good for mentralkan toxins in the blood, improve eyesight, and prevent hypertension.
Dragon fruit's water content is also quite high, reaching 83 grams per 100 g of fruit flesh. Therefore, the dragon fruit can also be used as a delicious dessert.
Nutritional composition per 100 grams of flesh dragon fruit (Components and levels)
Water (g) 82.5 to 83.0
Protein (g) 0.16 to 0.23
Fat (g) 0.21-0.61
Fiber / dietary fiber (g) 0.7 to 0.9
Beta-carotene (mg) 0.005 to 0.012
Calcium (mg) 6.3 to 8.8
Phosphorus (mg) 30.2 to 36.1
Iron (mg) 0.55 to 0.65
Vitamin B1 (mg) 0.28 to 0.30
Vitamin B2 (mg) 0.043 to 0.045
Vitamin C (mg) 8-9
Niacin (mg) 1.297 to 1.300
Made Astawan Prof. Food Technology and Nutrition Experts IPB
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